Chapter 1 - Was he staring at me?

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Hi guys so this is my first ever fanfic so PLEASE don't hate me for all of the spelling mistakes that i know are going to be in here so yeah ENJOY! ...

"And we danced all night to the best song ever,
We knew every line, now i can't remember..."

                      Phil's POV

I was singing in the shower again as usual. The hot water on my body felt amazing along with the beautiful scent of peaches filling up the bathroom. Of couse, topped off with a bit of music from 1D.

It was 9am and i was up already  because i had to get a new pair of jeans from TopShop before tonight. Chris's birthday party.

Me and Dan had both picked out his present together. First a jumper that said "I still love the Jonas Brothers!" (Dan's idea 'ironically of course') and a mug that said best mate wth Bulbasaur and Charmander on it.

Dan's POV

The first thing that i wake up to : Phil. And not just Phil, no, but him singing to One Direction. Oh Phil...

He always wakes up before me and dosen't really bother waking me up really, because he always knows i'll hear him singing in the shower. And i always do.Sadly.

Today however, he says he needs to get a new pair of jeans (which i don't really get why since he owns like dozens of the same black skinny jeans) for Chris's party tonight. UGH. I feel like having absaloutely no social interaction today except from Phil, because then could both have the same feelings together.

This is why he is my best friend.

I waddle out of bed and grab my phone checking my latest tweets on the way to the bathroom. Knocking on the door,I yell "PHIL, PUT DOWN THE 1D I NEED TO PEE!!"

"Dan do all of your sentences need to Ryme?" I hear Phil yell back through the door, but in a softer tone.

Giggling, i hear him step out of the shower and soak himself dry with his towell. "Um, Dan ..." He whispers sounding slight embarassed.


"Can you ... um kinda go get my clothes from my room? I left it on my bed my accident..."

"Geez Phil your so forgetful" I reply giggling as i skip to his room.

A sudden bust of his scent hits me in the face as soon as i open his door. His smell : Peaches, Rasberries and Lynx. They all make a perfect scent called Phil.

I look to his bedside table, containing a framed picture of us at Vidcon. Smiling, i pick it up and look at it for a few seconds before setting it back down next to his stuffed lion .I quickly grab his neatly folded clothes off of his bed and head back to the bathroom.

Phil's POV

"Knock Knock, Dan's clothes delivery service at your ... um service," I can hear Dan say in a posh tone.

"Um, its open i'm just fixing my hair, come on in i'm wearing a towell don't worry!" I reply, trying not to sound too embarassed as i attempt to hide my blush whilst pretending to look at my hair trying to fix it.

Dan's POV

As soon as i opened the door, the steam hit me as i could faintly make out the figure of a young man with a slender body and beautiful broad shoulders. Staring at Phil, i admired his beautiful feautures before finally being ripped out of my trance by his equally beautiful voice.

"Um ... Dan, can i have my clothes?" Phil says trying to act casual, knowing how much i was currently drooling over him with an outstretched arm.

"Oh ... um yeah sure, of course" I say clearly turning scarket red. Handing over his clothes (though he looks much better without them in my opinion). Our hands slightly brush against eachothers, making me go a deeper shade of red. Man, could i be any more obvious? Taking the clothes, i awkwardly walk out of the room after shutting the door behind me.

Phil's POV

Why was he staring at me? Oh my god, he probably saw right through me, blushing like mad. Making me all self-conscience like that. Only Dan could do something like that to me... After all...i am pretty much in love with my best friend . Dan Howell.

Well, do you like it? I hope you do and if you do then i might just make another chapter, who knows?

Constructive criticism welcome as this is my first story let alone fan-fic i've written for anybody to read. I know it ain't perfect but i'm happy with it :)


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