Chapter 16 Part two: the charity ball

Start from the beginning

We hurry inside trying to ignore the cameras going off around us. While we hurry inside we try to keep the role of the perfect 'couple'. When we are inside and the doors are closed behind us James looks at me worriedly, I'm still a little bit shaken from all the people outside.

"Are you okay?" James ask searching my face for any singes off serious distress.

"Yeah just a little bit shaken up, I didn't expect that. I'm not used to all that attention." I say

We walk up towards the big double doors leading us to the event, the event is already in full swing as we can hear the music through the doors.

The doors are opened by two butlers smiling at us nicely. James drapes his arm around my waist, easing some off my stress. We walk through the doors and I can immediately feel all the eyes burning on me. I see the jealous stares off some women, wishing to be me. While some other men where wishing to be James right now. But one particular person catches my attention.


What the hell is he doing here? Isn't this party to be for all the influential people or benefactors off the company and personal friends of James. He looks seriously pissed like he could kill James right now and he wouldn't even regret it. He would probably just walk away like nothing ever happened


Oliver's P.O.V.

The big doors open catching my attention, I look up to see who is arriving, maybe some late people? But instead I'm greeted with the sight of James and his date. Lotte, she looks absolutely stunning in that dress, I look around and see all the men staring at her, I growl possessively. I then notice the arm that is draped around Lotte's waist this only upsets me more.

"Don't do it Oliver, we can't loose him the pack can't survive with out his money." Valerian says. I growl slightly at him trying to get my wolf under control.

"Get to maid." My wolf possessively says, angry by all the men basically undressing her with their eyes. I see them getting a seat at the head table, we sit fairly close to them. I catch Lotte looking at me, I give her a stare sending her the signals that I'm all but happy about this.


Lotte's P.O.V.

We were seated at the special table for all the important people. I looked around and I made eye contact with Oliver, he looked like he could kill me. I looked away quickly. James stepped onto the stage to make a little speech. He thanked us all for coming and for donating. The crowd erupted in cheers, I clapped along and James smiled lovingly at me. The people began chattering and the rest of the evening went by like any other evenings.

I talked to some people, and with the skills of a ninja I avoided Oliver for the whole night.

James walked up to me, "May I have this dance my lady?" I giggle like a little school girl.

I look at the dance floor nobody is dancing. "There is nobody dancing, isn't that just weird." I say doubt taking over my body.

"They are waiting for me to have the first dance, people will follow our lead believe me." James holds out his hand for me to take. I carefully take his hand, and he leads us up to the dance floor. The music starts I look in James' eyes and we start to do a simple waltz. After a few moments multiple people start joining us, and my worries disappear like snow in front of the sun.

The music stops and James bows for me, I make a little bow as well and cheers erupt from the crowd. We walk off the dance floor again and another song starts. I see Oliver walking towards the DJ probably requesting some song.

James walks off to talk to some people for business, and leaves me alone just standing there awkwardly. I quickly start to walk away before anybody notices me standing there alone. Until I'm whisked off to the dance floor I look up to who it is and I see an angry Oliver looking at me. The music starts and Oliver starts moving me over the dance floor, I'm so mesmerized by Oliver that Oliver leads me with ease, not even having a hard time I do the most intrigued moves.

Cue video on the top/ right : Lindsey Stirling (I love this song so much)

The music stops and we stare into each other eyes, my chest is heaving up and done because off the dancing. The crowd erupts in loud cheers and cat calls are heard everywhere, I look around and see that we are the only ones on the dance floor. I free myself from his grip.

I start to walk away but my wrist is caught by Oliver, I look into his eyes and try to see what he's thinking off. Before I even can do anything I'm thrown over Oliver's shoulder and he starts walking away. I'm to confused to even struggle in his grip, we move through to the crowd and I see James looking at me confused, he looks lost, I just shrug at him I don't really know what to do.

I'm hit with the cold air when Oliver comes outside, his butt looks really good from this angle. I'm put in a car and strapped in a few seconds later Oliver steps in and he drives away.


So I'm not completely happy with the ending, little bit weird right. This chapter was a little longer then I anticipated, but I don't mind it. 

Outfit of Lotte on top/side.

Let's see how many votes and views we can get on this chapter so go go go lovelies.

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