Chapter 32: Life, Scars, Apologies

Start from the beginning

"Oh my gosh," Brooke began to pace the back patio. "I can't believe this."

"Well you better believe it because I'm not lying, but you were," I muttered the last part. I thought Brooke couldn't here me, but I was wrong. She stopped pacing and moved a little bit closer to me.

"What did you say?" Brooke asked her eyes narrowed in a way I couldn't tell if it was threatening or not.

I stood up from my patio chair and shoved it aside. "You heard me! I said that I wasn't lying about this, because what's the point in lying about it? But you on the other hand have lied to me!" 

Brooke looked hurt. "What do you mean 'I've lied to you'? What did I saw that was a lie?"

I leaned forward so I was right up in her face. "How about that you always love and be there for me? Huh? What about that? What happened to love and support? Because it all seems to be gone now that I mentioned a flaw that I have! I'm not flawless, Brooke! I have my mistakes, same as you! But this one wasn't completely my fault, only somewhat!"

"Calm down!" Brooke hollered over my voice. 

"No I won't calm down, I refuse! Why should I calm down?!" I threw my hands in the air to make yelling more dramatic.

"Because you're wrong!" Brooke sighed. "I still do love you, Jessica. It's just that everything that you have told me is a crazy amount of stuff to take in all at once. Try to see this from my side, okay? You're a mother of two toddlers and a wife of a lovingly husband, you're trying to raise and support all of them. You see on the news that a unidentified person has been killing people by the hundreds, daily, in towns close to you. Most of the victims seem to have a bad record, but not all some just seemed to be witnesses. You are afraid to send your kids to daycare, watch your husband go to work, or even leave the house. You're afraid of you or your family becoming on of those witnesses. Then your sisters tells you that she is that person, and you're mind goes crazy and you fear for your family all over again. Can you see where I am coming from?" 

I nodded. "I would never hurt our family."

"But you hurt other people's families." Brooke proved a good point, I had hurt other's families. 

"I know and I regret all of it."

"How did you become this?" Brooke asked.

"I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. A mad scientist took me for his experiments and made me what I am today." I gave her the short story because the full version would take forever.

"And what are you?" She asked a question I was still trying to find out myself. 

"I was a monster, but now I am a hero and I need to prove the world that. I need to show them that Predator, the freak that can turn into animals and control all animal lifeforms, has changed. That I have changed. That I am a better person and only want to help them now."

"How do you plan on doing that?"

I felt like we were playing the game 20 Questions. "With your permission on something. Well, actually, I'll do it with or without your permission, but you may want to know anyways."

"Oh great. What do you half need my permission on?" Brooke rolled her eyes.

"I need to go to Germany. But please before you freak out-"

"WHAT?! GERMANY!? I CAN'T LET YOU LEAVE THE COUNTRY YOUR FATHER WOULD KILL ME!" Brooke's yelling made me think I was going to go deaf.

"So much for before you freak,"  I mumbled. "Brooke please I need to."

"Why? Why do you need to leave the country?"

"You need to trust me on this one. A man from a  group of spy like people, whom I can't name, is helping me understand the difference between good and bad. He understands me, Brooke."

"But why? What's the point in leaving the country?"

"Remember Loki? He stuck last year in New Mexico, and now he is attacking all of Earth. Loki is in Germany, I am needed to stop him. They can't send in another spy because most people will expect them to attack, not a teenage girl like me. Please, Brooke I know I can do this just give me a shot."

After taking a moment to think, Brooke answered. "Okay."

I squealed and gave her a hug. "Thank you!"

"On one condition," Brooke said calmly.

"What's that?" I pulled away from her.

"You tell your dad."

"But what if he doesn't love me anymore?"

Brooke let out a sigh. "Jessica, I believe you thought the same thing about me, and look I still love you just fine. He is your father, he promised to love you no matter what. Just do it."

Remembering how much Coulson needed me, I nodded my agreement to Brooke. "Okay, but please sit in with me during the conversation."

"Deal," Brooke smiled.

"I need to go call the spy guy and tell him that I can do it. Tomorrow my flight leaves."

"I need to get home. Behave and don't leave the country without telling me. Love you bye!" Brooke said giving me a hug.

"Love you too. And I won't, promise. Bye, Brooke!" I hollered after her as she got into her van and drove off.

I was about to call Phil when my phone rang. I looked at it and saw that he was calling me.

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