Minho nodded. "I love soccer so much."

"I can tell. I like to dance." Taemin smiled. "It helps me clear my head."

Minho smiled. "I would like to see you dance."

Taemin smiled. "I can show you!"

"Cool!" Minho smiled. The bell soon rang.

Taemin smiled. "Let's go to class."

Minho nodded.

Taemin smiled as they walked to class together. When they got into class, people glared at Taemin. Minho had Taemin sit next to him.

Taemin looked at his hands. Some kids threw paper balls at Taemin.

"Stop that." Minho said and the kids stopped. Minho looked at Taemin. "I'm sorry."

Taemin shrugged. "It's okay. I'm used to it."

Minho frowned. He didn't understand why people would be mean to someone that was so nice. Key and Jonghyun soon came in.

Jonghyun frowned. "Get out of my seat." He said to Taemin.

Taemin quickly got up. "S-sorry,"

Minho pulled Taemin back down. "No, he's sitting here today."

Jonghyun frowned. "Then where will I sit?"

"On the other side of Key."

Jonghyun sighed and sat down next to Key.

Taemin looked at his hands. Minho and Taemin worked in a group, leaving Key and Jonghyun on their own.

Taemin felt bad. "Why don't you go with your friends?"

"They don't understand this. I have to do all the work. You know what you're doing."

Taemin smiled. "Yeah, I do." Taemin smiled at Minho. "Thank you for being my friend."

Minho smiled back. "I like being your friend."

Taemin smiled. "Me too. I mean, I like being your friend. You're the first person that's ever been nice to me."

Minho smiled. "You're cool."

Taemin smiled. "You're cool too."

Minho smiled back.

The class ended quickly.

"Bye, Taemin. I'll see you tomorrow." Minho said and left.

Taemin smiled, but then he noticed Jonghyun and Key approaching him.

"Stay away from Minho." Jonghyun said.

"But he wants to be my friend." Taemin said, his voice was quiet.

"You'll only bring him down." Key snapped. "You better stay away from him."

Taemin nodded. "O-okay..."

"Good, now go." Jonghyun said.

Taemin quickly ran home.

Jonghyun huffed. "Why does Minho want to be friends with him?"

"I don't know." Key said. "Let's go see him."

Jonghyun nodded and they went to their dorm. "Minho, why are you so nice to that Taemin kid?"

"I like him. He's a lot like me."

"How?" Jonghyun asked.

"He's good at school for one. Why don't you like him?"

"Because he's stupid and weak. He's poor and no one likes him."

"I like him, now go away. The game is about to start."

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