Chapter 1 (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Miranda let out a screech
"Close, but you can do better." She said to Ivy.

"She's one Andy, leave her alone," Sofi said to Andy.

"You're just jealous she got to say my name first," Andy said

"I'm pretty sure she said Candy." Sofi and Andy bickered on.

Since Ivy started talking, they had both been trying to get her to say their names.

"Okay. I'm gonna leave you guys and I'll see you during lunch break." Jules interrupted them kissing Ivy on her temple "Bye pretty. Momma will see you later."

"Momma." Ivy cooed.

Jules left Ivy with her friends still bickering, Ivy glancing from one to another and back.

She got into the elevator and pushed the number to her floor ready to get to work.

Ceaser was beginning to get impatient. He hadn't been able to focus since the day he found out he had a daughter.

What if she was out there suffering?

He hadn't heard from Tom since then and he couldn't help wondering if he had found anything on his daughter. Ceaser sighed heavily.

"Sir? Mr. Lobos is here to see you." Claire's voice filled Ceaser's office.

"Let him in." he told her.

"Yes sir." she said.

Tom walked into his office a few seconds later.

"Tom." Ceaser got up when he entered "Tell me you have something. You've kept me waiting for a week."

"Actually, I have everything." he sat down "Well, all that there is anyway."

Ceaser sighed a sigh of relief.

"Okay. I found out that your late wife gave her up for adoption the same day she gave birth in April and two months after your daughter was born, a Jules Jenna took an interest in her and nine months later the adoption was finalized."

"So, my daughter was adopted by this Jules Jenna this year," Ceaser said after he did the math.

Tom nodded.

"What do you have on her?" he asked

"She graduated summa cum laude from UCLA, 27 years old, works at Freddie and Co. Single. Lives alone, parents..."

"That's all I need to know Tom. Do you have her address?" Ceaser said before Tom could give him the full information about her.

"Of course," He said and scribbled it down on a piece of paper which Ceaser provided for him. "What exactly do you plan on doing sir?"

"I'll go to her house and demand for my child. I'll pay her whatever she needs to cover everything she's done so far. " Ceaser said bluntly.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Ms. Jenna isn't that kind of woman. From what I've dug up, she already has a trust fund for your daughter and she lives a comfortable life. Also, she has full right and custody of the child. Even if you were the child's biological father it wouldn't matter in court, which is where this case might end up because it was a closed adoption. One thing I know is that your late wife had excluded your name in your child's birth certificate which was the only reason why you weren't contacted during the adoption."

Ceaser thought about it for a while
"So, you're saying I should do nothing."

Tom sighed.
"I'm saying you should find a right angle that would matter when you take this to court. If you just walk in there and show them a DNA sample and give them a letter from your wife's therapist indicating that she wasn't of sound mind when she signed the birth certificate without your name, you might get visiting rights"

Ceaser snapped his gaze at Tom.
"I don't want visiting rights!" He said.

"Exactly." Tom said, "So, think this through and find a logical way that would make the court think really hard about the closed adoption."

Ceaser swallowed. He didn't like the court idea one bit hearing about it from Tom.

"How long would that take?"

"Months." Tom replied "We'd have to look for proof which would take 3 - 4 months seeing as we have nothing to begin with. Then filing a case and..."

"I can't wait that long."

He sighed as he racked his brain for his next move.

He couldn't come up with one that would take less time. The court thing was even the worse. He wanted his daughter in his arms fast and real fast. He would just have to find a way of getting his daughter his own way, no court or lawyers involved. Asides from the fact that Ceaser didn't want to wait that long to have his daughter in his arms, he didn't want the press to get wind of this. Taking this to court would make him a target of the media and he didn't like that. All that thing about any press being good press was rubbish to him. They would take the story and twist it in so many ways, the next generation would still be trying to figure out which one of the stories was right. He couldn't take that chance and he didn't want his daughter to be let out in that kind of life at an early age. He had to do this without drawing attention to himself. He needed to do something that wouldn't draw the media's attention.

"How old did you say this woman was again?"

"27," Tom replied.

"And single." He said as a cheshire smile formed on his lips and grew bigger just like the plan that just came to be in his head.

He was going to get close to this woman, gain her trust, get his child and end everything with her.

It would be as easy as that.
Ceaser thought, smiling.

This was going to be fun.

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