"Yeah yeah whatever big lying ass" I rolled my eyes and grabbed my stuff since he was looking for a parking spot.

As we were walking into the arena I plugged my earphones in and started bumping to some songs. Nik tapped my shoulder pointing towards the gym, I nodded my head and walked towards the locker room to get ready.

I scrolled through the gram while pulling out my sneakers one by one since I got 25 min before practice starts, as i'm putting my head band on I looked up to see my girl Candace walking in already ready to put in some work.

"Wassup C, ain't you gone clap it up for me? Yo girl all early n shit" I said while smiling at her.

"You a clown b but coach gone be surprised to see you on time. D told me you in here, I was gone let you know that I got your gear for you in my car" She said.

I stood up since I was finished getting dressed and couldn't help but be excited to see the new gear C got me.

We did our handshake and she left to go shoot around. I looked in the mirror and boy do I look a mess but it's practice so fuck it, ain't nobody to impress and besides that I can careless about what people got to say.

I walked inside the gym still looking down at my phone when I heard whistles, I drew my attention away from my phone and looked up at where the noises were coming from and there I find half of the mf boys team sitting in the bleachers just chilling.

"D this is a closed practice so imma need you to kick your homeboys out before I do it myself" I whined as I looked over at Chelsea and Candace for help.

"Coach said it was cool for them to stay and watch" Candice said as she shrugs it off and continues shooting.

I groaned and placed my stuff on the bleachers near them.

"Lighting up ma that scowl on your face ain't a good look on you" A deep voice announced.

I looked up at the person where the voice was coming from and it was the BI dude.

"I would be in a better mood if ya wasn't here but yk you can't always get what you want" I replied back as I sent him a fake smile and ran towards the open court.

I decided to warm up first since we had 20 min till practice now, 20 half court suicides, 50 lunges, than I grabbed a ball and started with my right hand lay ups.

"In and out, behind the back, crossover, pump fake" I said as I kept reminding myself of the simple moves forgetting about my surroundings and made the lay up.

I was so pumped up that I accidentally screamed "lay meeee!!" and patted my chest hard just to come back to reality and cover my face.

"oh my god why yo" I murmured under my breath as I hid my face in embarrassment.

I heard them laughing from the bleachers, even Candice, Chelsea and Nik was laughing smh.

"YEAHHHH sis eat up🍴🍴" D cheered trying to hype it up more, I swear I hate him.

I ignored them and seen some of my team mates coming in one by one while I tried to work on this hard ass move with the jelly at the end that I couldn't get down which was beginning to frustrate me so much.

"Fuck why can't this shit just go in at least once" I threw the ball at the wall already frustrated and practice ain't even start yet, as Im standing there annoyed the Brandon dude comes up to me with the ball in his hand.

"Need help shawty? I can teach you a few things about what your trying to do" He asked with raised eyebrows as I looked up at him...like literally I felt like I had to break my neck just to make eye contact with him.

"Nah I'm good, I don't need your help" I responded as I grabbed the ball out of his hands and rolled my eyes trying to get back to what I was doing but the mf giant was blocking my view from seeing the basket.

"Girl what's your problem? I'm just trying to help your ass, lose the attitude cuz it's not flying with me" He said while mugging me.

He grabbed my arm and gently moved me so I was standing directly under the rim, I was still taken back by the fact that he just put me in check which people rarely did to me.

"See the reason why your shot is not going in is cuz while your doing your spin move and getting ready to do your signature jelly move your not extending your arm enough so it can hit the box, instead your aiming it at the rim" He explained to me while i'm still dazed off staring at his face.

"Here let me show you" he gets behind me and puts both of his hands on the ball that I'm already holding.

Not on no cliche shit but when I say I felt a bolt of electricity rush through me as soon as he touched me, I just wanted to be like this for a min.

"Yo you paying attention or what?" He questioned sounding aggravated as he got back in front of me and waved his hand in my face.

I blinked a couple times before looking at him....

"Yeah my bad I got off track a little but I never thought about doing it like that" I finally said as he smiled at me seeing the change in my attitude which has been terrible lately.

"It's not hard you got everything down just gotta extend your arm and your good beautiful" He replied back before grinning at me and I couldn't help but to look down and smile.

"Thanks for the tips big guy now get tf off my court" I stated as I began to push him towards the bleachers which he let me do.

"Technically ours but ight shawty just let me see you do the move one more time, this time extend it like I said" He stated firmly.

I went back to the 3 point line and did the move, went for the spin and turned with the jelly extending my arm.

I thought it wasn't going to go in but to my surprise it did and I couldn't help but send Brandon a genuine smile, one that hasn't been shown in a while......


Love & Basketball  *A Brandon Ingram Love Story* EDITING Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora