Day Three [Edited]

Start from the beginning

We have had her about two months. She was supposed to leave this week but there were a few complications with the procedure and we had to start moving at a slower pace. Nothing dangerous for her, just Project 3761. The procedure is very meticulous as we wait for the right moment for each step. Slow and steady wins the race. I’m just glad her small body is able to withstand this long without consciousness. Only two weeks left before she is finally free and I can finally have peace.

Brooklyn POV

I started to come to momentarily before going back under. I don't understand what is going on with my body. I can't seem to wake up. It’s like there is a weight sitting upon me holding me down. I can't move anything or even open my eyes.

I saw a bright light above my head. I only caught a glimpse before being summoned back to the darkness. It looked kind of like a surgical lamp above my head and I felt a stinging in my lower stomach. I could hear nothing but yet I could not feel panic at the thought of going deaf. I was floating on a cloud when I so badly wanted my feet on solid ground. After that I felt nothing it was only darkness once again.

Bryce POV

The procedure is going well. The eggs were extracted with no problems. Serum 3761 has been added. It needs to sit five days before transfer. It is a time of waiting now. If we move to the transfer too fast Project 3761 will die and we will be stuck starting from scratch. This project has taken hundreds of years to perfect. Being passed down the Brashe family line it eventually became Gabriels project, a right of passage as a part of his family. His father always stressed the importance of this project and I think he will be proud when this works. Nobody before us could even get close to the end product they were looking for. We have finally gotten to human testing and it is just so exciting. This is my break into the scientist world. I must tell Gabriel so he is prepared. We will release our captive very soon.

Cameron POV

I feel so bad about what we are doing to this girl. We abducted her only to keep her asleep two and a half months. Can she feel fear? Or panic? I know she's not conscious but maybe when people are out like this they can still feel. I don't want to hurt her and I don't want to be a part of this life changing event. If he wasn't my brother I wouldn't have helped but who doesn't look up to their older siblings and only want to help? I know that deep down he just doesn't understand that this is not the way to treat a fellow human. The family has been so inhumane for generations and so he didn't really have a role model to change his view of the world. I have tried my hardest but have gotten nowhere. All i can hope is that this works and instead of using force other people will come forth to volunteer as hosts for project 3761. Then he won't have to be so set on captives.

Gabriel POV

We did the transfer this morning. Its so exciting. Such a crucial step in the procedure. In a week we will run the final tests on the girl before we release her. Hopefully she doesnt kill off project 3761 before then otherwise we will have to start all over. We can't give her the vaccination to fight her blood type until after the tests otherwise the stress it puts on her body could kill it anyways. The release has been planned and set up. We will place her in a secluded place not far from her house so that we know she can get home. I have sent Cameron to put the spark plugs in her car. Hes a mechanic of sorts so to make up for the abduction I had him scope things out to help her with. He said she had a jeep that had no breaks so he did the breaks and tweaked it a little before taking it for a test drive. He found a leaky sink and some other household things to fix as well. Hopefully she won't completely hate us once she wakes up. As far as the procedure goes everything is going as planned.

Bryce POV

The procedure has worked Project 3761 has began. Though the captive will soon be released she will never be far from reach. We will keep an eye on her at all times to monitor how the project is developing. This could be a huge scientific discovery. I will be proud that I was head of actually performing the procedure. Dr Gabriel will become famous for his new invention and Cameron will be an accomplice. Its all set up perfect now. I will be famous in no time at all.

Tampered (NaNoWriMo13) *Editing*Where stories live. Discover now