Rude Awakinig

237 13 8

I wake up to the sound of my instructor Bobby shaking me. He nods his head telling me its time to leave. I nod back and grab my two handguns from under my mattress. I hear my fathers men searching the house. I take a deep breath and run into my closet and behind my clothes with my instructor Bobby behind me. He pulls the light switch on the ceiling and the closet opens into a dark long and narrow hallway. I heard the men began to bang on my locked room door. I take the flashlight and survival backpack and began running through the hall. I turn around and hear Bobby on my heels. My fathers men successfully break down my room door.

"Taylor" they all scream. I keep running but quicken my pace. I end up at the end of the tunnel where I see everyone of my fathers men searching the house for his daughter. My head snaps to the right when I hear a man bust open the White House doors and quickly run to my father.

"President!" he huffs out of breath.

"What is it Larry?' my father presses.

"She"s nowhere to be found and her mattress is flipped over. Larry continues talking.

"Bobby! That's it that's our detraction. We gotta try." I say trying to lower my voice in the echoing tunnel.

"No Taylor it"s to risky"

"Standing in the tunnel waiting is to risky, its only amount of time before they find the tunnel and kill us both and my father will be devastated."

"Either way your father will be devastated but he"ll still have those so called 'loyal' men who, may you not forget are trying to kill you!" He says raising his voice.

"Hey Ronnie!" a voice calls from the other side of the tunnel we are currently in.

"What Henry!" Another man says. He sounds farther away. Maybe by my bedroom window.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" The 2nd says walking slowly over to the tunnel. I quickly suck in my breath and hold it as I quickly glance at my father looking around.


"Really! Ok, I"ll get the men on it. I need 5 in this tunnel!!!" the man named Ronnie says and we begin to hear yelling and slow footsteps coming.

"Damnit Bobby" I whisper to him.

I heard the men get closer and can see their lights.


"Go Taylor! The president will run in the house and everyone will follow. This is it! Run!!!" and those are his last words before gunshots and yelling pierce the air. I scream in horror as he falls to the ground straight on his face.

 I turn around and watch as everyone outside runs into the White House with my father in front. I kick the bars 3 times and crawl through them and run towards the bushes. Everything begins to go in slow motion as  tears well up in my eyes. I see my getaway helicopter and think about how close me and Bobby were to making it away from my fathers hired traitors. I run as fast and straight as I can to the helicopter before I trip and fall. I get up quickly and jump onto the helicopter as it's just lifting off of the ground. I slam the door shut and buckle up. I sit in my seat looking out the window at the tunnel I just witnessed my best friend's murder in!

The President's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now