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Petie ran behind some bushes.  Sat down on the ground the kept very quiet. "I don't know how to swim and I don't like the way the fur gets when it gets wet. No way, Not me," he said to himself.   Mandy and Jose are running not knowing in which direction Petie went.  They stop running then started looking around for Petie.  "Petie,  Hey Petie!  Stop hiding,  look I don't believe you're real, so why don't you prove me wrong," said  Jose      

"Come on Petie, come out.  If you can't swim we'll show you how.  Please stop hiding. "said Mandy looking around every inch of the woods.  "Look, I'm going back to see if I can retrieve that egg out of the water.  You look for your invisible friend.  When you find him, you tell him for me.  After all the swimming  I've done, he owed me, my daughters candy." said Jose as he walked back to the lake and dove into the water.  Mandy continued to look for  Petie.   As Petie continue to hide.

Now back at the lake,  Jose kept looking.  In and out the water he dove.  But then he caught a cramp.   He started to drown.  He started to scream for help.   Two joggers at that moment happen to pass by.   They heard Jose screams for help.  They also started screaming for help.  Then one of them dove into the water to save him.    Mandy heard the others screaming.  She forgot about Petie and ran in the direction of the noise.   One of the joggers, "Someone is at the bottom of the lake, I think he's drowning.  Please, my friend went under and hasn't come out the water ." she explained to Mandy    Mandy started to take off her shoes, before she could dive into the water, something flashed right by.     

It was  Petie.   Without a thought, he quickly dove into the water.  The rotten dark egg started to glow very brightly, that the whole enter lake light up with a beautiful, sunlight.  Mandy and the jogger stood in amazement.    Petie went under the water and looked Jose, and jogger, who was also drowning, out of the water.  The glow of the egg looked like an all yellow rainbow, and like a slide out the water, they both came.   Mandy and the other jogger quickly started  CPR.   Then after a while, they both came through.   

"Petie, you can swim after all," said Mandy as she gave him a hug.  "It's amazing the way things work out when you're afraid.  Isn't it?  Give me a minute, I'll be right back." he said as he dove back into the water to retrieve the egg.      Then Jose got up slow.   The jogger thanked,  Mandy then said, "Hey, thanks, God you're friends with the Easter Rabbit." she said then her and her friend walked away.  "Wait!  You also saw him." asked Mandy   "Of course I did, he saved me.  Tell him I also said Thank you." said the jogger as they both left   "You're welcome." said Mandy as she turned to Jose.  "Now are you alright? "asked Mandy as she patted him on the back.  "I think I'm alright, but maybe, now I'm seeing things." said Jose    "Really?  You also see  him?'asked Mandy    "Really,  at last, I've I see your invisible friend." said Jose

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