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Now Mandy rushed back home.  She wanted Petie to wake up already.  Easter was right around the corner.  The egg's magic dies on Easter day if it's not properly used. 

She rushes through the front door.  Her dad was standing right there, he was on his way out.  "Hay Hay what's the rush?" asked her father.  "Nothing Dad," she answers.   Then her father notices the bag of candy and Smile.  He figures, the candy already had her going full speed.    

Mandy went into her bedroom.   "Now how I'm I going to do this?" she thought to herself  Then she remembers a mother bird,  chew the food first for their baby birds.  "Nasty, I can't-do that.  But if  it'll help Petie get his energy back, I must."  So She grabbed a small piece of candy and chewed it up very fine.  Then bite by bite she places a tiny piece into Petie mouth.   For a while, nothing was happening.  Then little by little Petie face had some color in it again.  His breathing got normal.  All we need now was for him to wake up.  "Come on, you look better, just wake up.  Will up get please, don't ask me how I got you to eat candy.  You wouldn't like the answer." she whispers in Petie's ear.

Then suddenly Petie's tail and ear began to move.  Mandy notice, "Come on wake up  Petie wake up," he said as she shocks him a little.   Then Petie's eyes open.

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