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Mrs.  Smith went back and continued teaching the class. Now and then she'll glance at Mandy hoping to catch her doing something.   The whole day went by and Mandy didn't do any wrong or bad the whole. In fact, she was kind of helpful in the lunchroom.  He helped the lunch lady clean up.  Even the lunch lady thought something was wrong, seriously wrong.

Now, Mandy she didn't think anything of it, she had one thing on her mind and that was helping Petie get his golden egg back.  All she had to wait now was ten minutes, and Mandy was ready to go.

Now back at the Pawn Shop the stranger who took the golden egg, really believe it was really good.  The beautiful egg blinded him.   "Excuse me Sir?" he asked  "What?  What do you want to pawn?'" asked the short old man, that went by the name of Oscar    The stranger reach in his pocket, he felt so proud to bring the golden egg, all he saw was dollar signs.  But to his disappointment, "Look at this beautiful......."  Hey, what happens!  You picked  pocket me, didn't you?'he asked in an angry tone.  

"Dude you come in here with a black looking rotten egg.  Now you say I picked pocket you.  What the hell are you on?  Take that rotten egg out of here.  If you drop, you going to have to give me money.  Get out of here!" screamed  Oscar  "I know you did something.  I"d looked at the egg before I walk in here.  And buddy it was gold.  So where is my egg."the stranger continue    Oscar reach behind the counter, and took out a bat, I don't know what happens to your egg, but I know what's going to happen to you ball's if you don't get out!"said Oscar as he lifted the bat in position to swing.    The stranger realized that Oscar was serious about hitting him, so he walked out of the Pawn Shop.

The stranger reached into his pocket again, "I'm very smart, I have a rotten egg in my,  to put the topping on it, I stole it.  God, I'm  smart, let me get this shit out of my pocket before it brakes, I heard rotten egg's smell very bad."  But when he pulled out the egg, it was gold again.   "Hey, what the hell!" he said   Then he looks back at the Pawn Shop, The stranger wanted to go back in,"If I go back in, either he hit me with the bat, or he'll listen to me.  I'm not taking that chance.  There's another Pawn Shop down the street, I'll go here.    So the stranger started to walk to the other Pawn Shop.   Which took him about five minutes to get there.

This time, the stranger took out the golden egg again, then walk into the pawn shop while looking at the egg.   He realized that Oscar was saying the truth.  "This must be a magic egg, used for Magic Shows.   I stole it like a dummy.  Boy if my friend heard about this, I'll be the joke of the town.  Like I don't have enough problems." he said to himself  Then he put the egg back into his pocket.   "What fathers do just to get his kids some Easter Baskets." he continued.

"Now what  am I  suppose  to do with a stupid  magic egg,   I know I'll have to find that girl?"he thought  to himself, "But if I take it back to her, will she call the cops on me." he thought to himself   But then, "Oh well, I have to find some money somehow.  Two kids, no money, shit sometimes  life really  sucks." he said as he passed a trash can and  he threw the egg in." It's only trash, Wow I was really a fool.  Oh well, shit happen." the stranger said, as he walked away looking for the next person to rob. But then he went back, "Let me throw it in the lake if it does turn back to gold no one else can keep it.  If I can't have it, no one will."Jose said to himself as he took the egg out of the trash then threw it into the lake.

Now back at the park, Petie was pacing around. He was very scared.  He's only way home and he lost it. "If the rabbits back home find out what I've done,  won't ever let me forget about this.  Then he got a flashback of the other bunnies teasing him to go into the water.  Skinny Petie is scared to swim.  That was their favorite line.   " I really hope, Mandy can help me. In two minutes she should be getting out of school.  I'll just sit here and wait for her to pass."He thought to himself and again he put his face in the palm of his hand and waited.

But it wasn't Mandy who showed up in two minutes, it was the stranger.

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