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"Mandy what's on your mind?" asked  Petie   "I have a feeling the egg has stopped glowing,  it's dark under the water.  Call the stranger when he comes back up for air.  Don't let him drive again, we need to talk to him." explained Mandy   "No problem." said Petie as started looking around.   Then Jose came up for air.  Petie, quickly smacked Mandy on the arm,  "Look, he came up for air.  Hurry, call him." said Petie    'Mr. Mr. Jose over here?" said Mandy as she waved her hand.   Jose waved his hand back.  "No, stupid I'm not waving hi, get over here Mandy screamed.  Jose couldn't make out what she was trying to tell him, so he decided to step out of the water and go to her.    

"Look, girl, if you want me to find your egg, you can't keep calling me.  "Now what do you want?," asked Jose    "Did you see the egg glowing?" asked Mandy  "No, I've told you the egg doesn't glow for me.   I think it doesn't care for me at all." said Jose as he got the water out of his ear.     "You make a lot of since the egg doesn't like you. "said Mandy as she hugged the stranger,   "Petie, this is your mission, not Jose not mines.  I really do believe that you're the one that must go get it." explained Mandy   "Who me?  You're kidding me, right.  No way, Jose." said Petie as he started backing up, ready to run.    

"No, I'm not kidding, the egg belongs to you.  The powers belong to you.  Now dive in the water and go get the egg already." said Mandy  As she tries to push him in the water, but he moves out of the way.     "What's your problem?" asked Mandy as she chasing Petie around, trying to get him to go into the water.   Jose looked at Mandy, who looked as though she was talking to herself.  In other words, she looked crazy.   Running around chasing nothing.  "Mandy chill, What's going on.? Is your invisible friend scared of water?" he asked while laughing   "I guess so, that's what it looks like." said Mandy    

"Are you sure he's a rabbit or a chicken.  He can't be seen, so what do you know." said Jose who was having a good laugh    This was upsetting Petie, "I'm no chicken, I a strong rabbit, so stop laughing."Then he walked up to Jose and smacked him on the nose.  "What the hell.  Who hit me? "said Jose as he looked around trying to see what Mandy was able to see.      Then again Petie smacked him again.   "Mandy, tell your invisible rabbit if he hits me again, he going to be on the dinner table on Easter Day," said Jose holding his nose up, for now, it was bloody.   Mandy was trying to grab Petie and make him stop hitting Jose.  But she couldn't catch him.  He moved around fast.   "Petie, stop!" screamed Mandy who is getting angry not knowing why Petie was acting the way he was.    

"No one making me go into the water, Understand me!" screamed Petie as he ran away.  "Oh, no you were right, Petie is afraid of water," said Mandy as she watched Petie run out of sight.   "That's why he hit me.  Just grab him and tie him to my back and I'll take him down." said Jose still looking around hoping to see Petie    "I wish it was that easy." said Mandy as she shook her head.  "What's wrong now?" asked Jose who was beginning to worry.    "He ran off.  Just like that, he ran off," said Mandy as she sat down on a large rock.  "No way.   That rabbit better come back,  what about my daughter's candy?  Oh hell no a deal is a deal. Which way did you see him run?" asked Jose  who was now angry

Mandy pointed in the direction that Petie ran.  Then they both took off after him.  "Wait, what are we doing?  I can't see him.  So how will I know, he can hit me again and I won't know until I feel the hit.  This shit is not right.    We need to stay close together, and when you see him, let me know." explained Jose whom by now was very tired. first the swimming, now running.  All he Knew was that Petie owed him candy.  A Deal is a Deal

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