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Petie and Mandy reach the lake.  "Now where is he?  said Mandy   "Look Mandy he's not here.   I knew it, humans can't be trusted. "said Petie as he looked around in panic     "You're wrong, I'm a human, and I can be trusted.  Just give him a minute or two.  He'll be here.  You'll see." said Mandy getting a little frustrated with Petie.   Then out of nowhere, The stranger Jose showed up.  "Hey, girl you looking for me?" asked Jose   

"About time, what the hell took you so long getting here?" asked Mandy  "What took me long is not important.  I'm here aren't I. "Jose said    "I see he has his swimming gear." said Petie  "Yes, he does." said Mandy   "Yes, who does what?  Look I'm going to dive in that river.  You stay out here and talk all you want to your invisible friend.  But don't forget that  I'm in that water.  If for any reason what so ever, it looks like I'm drowning, please, I don't care if it's your invisible friend that takes me out of the water,  Just don't let me drown.  Understand?" he said as he looks around trying to see what Mandy sees, with no.  

luck at all.     Then he headed into the water.  "Don't worry.  We won't let you drown," said Mandy as he started to disappear under the water. "Ya we, that's what I'm afraid of."Jose mutter to himself as he dove under water. "Mandy, you think he'll find it?'asked Petie while staring into the lake.    "He'll find it, I'm sure of that." said Mandy  "Boy, I hope you're right." said Petie as he kept stamping his feet  "Can you stop that?" asked Mandy  "Stop what?'asked Petie   "That noise, your foot, just stop." replied Mandy   "Oh, sorry, I do that when I get nervous.  I'll try to control my foot, don't worry." said Petie as now he's leaning over and looking into the water hoping to see Jose with his foot a bit out of control.  Then after a couple of seconds, his foot calms down. 

Then Jose came up for air.   "Did you find it?" asked Mandy and Petie at the same time.  "Hello, I do need air," said Jose then he dove back into the water.   "He's kind of a smart ass, isn't he?" asked Petie  "Are you telling or asking me?" asked Mandy with a grin,  "I  got my answer.  What's taking him so long?" asked Petie   "Don't know." said Mandy     Then, again, Jose came up for air then went back under.  "Hey, he went back under.  While can he find it.  It's a golden egg that glows.  It should be easy for him to see." explained Petie   "Petie, repeat that for me." said Mandy who just had an idea.     

"It's a golden egg that glows. Is that the part that you wanted me to repeat?" asked Petie   "Yes it was, listen remember what the stranger said that happen when he touches the egg?" asked Mandy   "I think I do.  He said the egg turn rotten and dark when he touched it." replied Petie    "Well maybe, it's him, he can't see you nor hear you.   Maybe is he believe in you, that egg might just give some light again." explained Mandy  "What are you saying, that he doesn't believe in me.  You may be onto something.  I've never thought of that." said Petie   'Look when she comes back up, we need to talk to him, alright." said Mandy "Fine.  But what's the plan" asked Petie     "I'll tell you in a second." said Mandy as she started to scream for Jose to get out of the water.

PETIEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora