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"Alright team, we've all been preparing for this day since day one of school. I'm sure everyone will do great and make our school proud. Even if you don't win a medal, realize that at least you tried and didn't give up. That's the biggest prize of all. The other teams are here already so don't be anxious. The time has come! Good luck guys!" Nick encouraged us as we huddled up.

"May the force be ever in your favour Nick!" Black smirked looking at Nick's foot. He's basically implying that there's no way Nick would even win the city's, or get through to the state championships.

"You too Blake." He ignored his sarcasm. "On one two three..."

"GO BROOKSBRONE HIGH!" Everyone cheered before splitting up.

"Nick are you sure your ready to race?" I asked him. He limped a bit less but I wasn't sure if he could race the 400m.

"I'm fine Riya." He said before sitting down. I flinched at his hard tone but before I could speak again coach called me over.

"They group the races. 8 people in each race. The times will be posted on the screen so watch your time and pick up the pace giving all your energy mostly towards the end just like I taught you." I nodded. "Stay calm and focused. You got this. Win this Riya... for yourself. Just you. You run the fastest when your alone. I want you to think that your alone in this field."

"Players from group 1 male....assemble on the track." A voice speaks through the speakers.

"Your after this group. I better watch them but remember what I said." Coach advised me.

"Yes coach." I reply before shaking all my muscles and standing near the track. Nick was in the group one males. He shook his muscles and crouched on the floor like the other guys racing him. He looked at the floor and touched it, feeling the raw dirt in his hands. He mumbled something before looking straight ahead.

"you can do this Nick!" I whispered. He looked at me and nodded. Everything felt like it was in slow motion up until the bullet sounded and the boys sprinted.

Nick ran fast. Faster than anyone in his group. I kept chanting 'you can do it' and 'almost there' while others around me were blatantly yelling. Coach was saying some prayers from my peripheral vision and when I looked back at the field, I realized why. Nick was slowly down, significantly.

"No Nick! Run! FASTER!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. He was in third place now and I could feel my heart beating so fast. "Run Faster!" I yelled louder. He was in pain. Everyone saw it in his face. Coach cursed and threw his hat on the floor and rubbed his forehead. He thought Nick was going to lose.

I ran around the fence and passed the spectator. "Hurry Nick! You can do it!" I yelled. I could feel my face heat up in worry. A blonde guy was now overtaking Nick. "Faster Nick!"

There was only 100m left. And Nick was fourth place. I bit my lip in worry. He couldn't lose. Not when the scouts were here. He would lose his scholarship. "Please Nick, Run faster! Your stronger than that." I spoke softly. And as if he could hear me, he sped up. He clenched his jaw, probably to overcome the pain in his foot and he ran, he ran like his life depended on it. Next thing I knew, everyone was cheering as Nick sped past the blonde then past the next boy before he fell.

My heart stopped.

Oh no.

I ran towards Nick, not listening to anyone. I crouched next to him and gave him my hand to get up. But he looked past me as if I were invisible. I followed his gaze to the big screen.

'2. Nick Andrew.... second place.... 55.28 seconds'

"You did it" I hugged him and he hugged me back with full force.

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