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Faster. I wish I could outrun time and just skip to the part where I could be alone and independent without my parents in my life. They don't even care about me, even when I was at my worst... last year. It hurts so much to know that who you rely on aren't even there to support you through your worst times. I guess that's why I detach myself from people so often; just cut the string that ties us together. 

I slow down after awhile to catch my breath. I look at my watch and see that I have ran for about thirty minutes without stopping. wow. I didn't know I still had that in me. I used to play soccer, tennis and basketball in my old schools. Each school, a different sport until last year. I was the popular girl so I just had to look good, not be good and I certainly did not feel good.... All those team sports always made me realize that I needed my teammates. I had to rely on them just how they needed to rely on me. I slowly grew to hate that fact and so I stopped playing team sports even though my father constantly forced me to play a sport so I could get a scholarship. I remember what he told me last year; "'instead of going out all night and having fun, you should focus on your education. And hwat happened to you? why aren't you playing any sports at school? Remember Riya, good schools look at all rounded students, and not party girls!'".

That was one of the rare times my dad came into my room. He was frustrated with the girl I became in my last school and so I continued my habits so that he could talk to me, yell at me, anything. I missed the care from my parents... but that soon faded once the end of the year approached and my entire plan, my entire life, backfired. No one was there to console me or to take care of me then. And that was when I began to run a lot, run away from my old life, run away from my sorrow, run away from being alone even though I mostly just wanted to be alone so that no one could hurt me again. 

I walk into the grocery store in front of me and the bell jingles as soon as I walk in. 

"We are closing soon, you have ten minutes to get what you want before I shut this place." A guy mumbles behind a magazine of GQ. I could be a gun man for all he knows and yet he would still be slouching in his chair covering his damn face with a magazine. I hate when people don't take their jobs seriously. I go though the vegetables isle and grab what I need quickly. Then I go and grab milk, butter, bread, sugar, coffee, chicken, and other stuff before the lights in the shop begin to shut off. I roll my eyes and realize I have to go. I head to the cash counter but no one is there. 

"If you wanted me to leave so badly, shouldn't you be at the counter hurrying my checkout?" I yell to the empty counter.

"Well sorrrrrieeee if I have other stuff to do rather than wait for you!" The cashier calls from behind me. I sigh at his response. I really don't want to argue.

He walks in front of me and my jaw literally falls. He starts to checkout my stuff without even looking at my face. Shit Shit how do I hide my face?

"Killer chicken you've got right here for a girl like you-" He says as he glances up at me, "YOU!"

"Hi" I manage to choke out.

He instantly stops scanning my stuff and leans on the counter. "well if it isn't miss ditcher of school on day one itself." 

I roll my eyes at him. "Could you please just hurry up and finish scanning my stuff Chris."

He backs away. "Wow someone's got attitude! A little too much but okay Riya, I understand that you have places to go..." He smirks at me referencing how I ditched school once again. Boy just let it go already! "you've got people to see", he says as he scans my chicken and the butter. "You've got work to do..." He scans another to items. "Lies to tell.... food to cook...."

"Okay great, so how much will that be?" I ask hastily as he finishes scanning my food.

"Uhh 125 dollars and 76 cents, would you like a bag or bags?" Chris asks finally snapping out of his annoying phase.

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