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I woke up at eight in the morning today and realized that I was going to be late for school. I looked at my phone and scrolled through my notifications before finally deciding to get off my bed and take a shower. I was going to be late for my first day of school at Brooksbone High anyways so why not take my time. I was used to this routine, I had done it thousands times before: wake up, take a shower, make my bed, eat breakfast, and drive to school. Do this for one or two years than shift to a new city/country and do it all over again. Life was a habit, a routine. Every day has 24 hours and every week has 7 days a week. We all do unconscious things that make everything the same. Perhaps we are machines in this universe that just breathe, eat, sleep and follow the procedure again and again until we die. So that's how I saw my life. I was tired to trying. Tired of making new friends that I was only going to leave behind. Tired of being the best at school because my life had already been planned out by my parents. I had no freedom, and any freedom I did have seemed like I was restrained in a jail, crying to get out but the system, the society would not allow it.

And thus I, Riya Athens, daughter of the Greece ambassadors, didn't give a shit anymore.

I chose to wear a plain white tee and Nike leggings. I put on a jean jacket and my black converse before heading downstairs to have some cereal. I didn't even comb my hair or put on makeup because I just didn't care. Who did I want to impress anyway? Kids in my school I didn't even know. I was the new kid again.

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed the keys to my Audi A1 before locking my house and leaving for school. My parents probably already left for work together as their car wasn't in the driveway. No surprises there. It was like I was living on my own anyways. I barely saw them, I was in my own world and they were in theirs. Isolated Riya.

Most of the cars were parked up front so I had to park at the far end of the schools' parking lot. Oh great, that meant I had to walk all the way to the entrance of school, how fun!

I sighed and got out my car and made my way to school. I actually liked running more than walking because I loved the thrill of getting my heat pumped, feeling the breeze in my hair and actually feeling an emotion (don't really know which emotion) but I felt alive.

So I sprinted to school and all the way to class 106 which was my first lesson of the day. I was good with directions so I found the class pretty fast by following the school map in my hands (yes the school was that big!). I knocked on the door after mumbled "this is it" before breathing out and opening the door. As soon as I opened it, I saw a bunch of eyes staring at me. No surprises there: new girl, being late, yah just kill me because I'm the alien that killed 500 humans right?

I gave a weak smile to the teacher once I met his eyes. He was a lean man probably in his 50's with a white beard dressed in khaki pants and a white shirt.  He looked like he wanted to kill me with his death glare but then he spoke slowly after analyzing me. "Ree-yah, thank you for finally joining our class with only 5 minutes left." He said sarcastically. I tried not to roll my eyes as I said the lamest excuse ever, "Couldn't find the class sir." I spoke slowly and tried to ignore the whispers and giggles that erupted in the class. I didn't give a shit about anyone's opinion of me. High school just becomes tougher once you care more about what people think of you than what you think of yourself.

"Take a seat and read over this sheet, try to catch up with whatever you missed by asking your kind classmates." He dictated as he handed me papers. I walked to the empty seat at the far end of the class before throwing my bag on the floor and copying everything on the board in my notebook. It wasn't that I was a bad student or anything, I was actually smart but I had given up trying to be the smartest or the best at school. I had learnt the art of getting by.

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