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"Since you decided to miss track yesterday, you have to catch up on what you missed. Which means extra training time for you." Coach ordered.

I knew coach was probably going to shout at me but what I didn't know was that he was going to be extra hard on me. I nodded and dropped my bag on the floor.

"Coach don't be hard on her. She isn't feeling well." I heard Nick trying to reason from the corner of my eye.

"Nick, as the captain of this team you should also remember that the city championships are next week. That leaves no time to slack. Now go join the others, I'm done arguing." Coach yelled and walked away leaving no room for further discussion.

"I tried." Nick whispered as he walked past me.

"you didn't have to." I mumbled but he probably heard it because he looked quite hurt. I couldn't help but put the anger I had towards Miranda on Nick. I know he did nothing wrong but somehow I felt weary that he was just like his sister; he didn't trust me. But then again, he said he valued our friendship more than Miranda and probably more than me. I guess he was right.


"Alright now, 20 more laps on those stairs." Coach ordered. Everyone had already packed up and left awhile ago. Nick gave me an apologetic look; I think eh felt responsible for the extra work coach was making me do. But it wasn't his fault, it never was.

It was already quite dark, the sun had left and the moon had replaced its location. It was around 8pm but I didn't know for sure. I had no breaks to check my phone for the time.

"Can I have a water break?" I asked coach breathlessly after I finished skipping the rope 200 times. The exercises coach made us do were becoming more and more tiring for me to handle.

"Alright fine. 2 minute break." Coach said putting hand on his hip waiting for the time to pass by fast. I immediately plopped down on the grass and pulled the water bottle from my bag and drank it while lying down. I was so exhausted. I was sure my entire body would hurt the next day.

"Don't worry, you'll live" Coach crossed his arms and waiting for me to finish drinking. I threw my bottle in my bag but didn't get up.

"I'm not too sure about that." And that's when he stood above me, having a disappointed look on his face.

"come on, get up!" He handed me his hand. I reluctantly took it and stood up. My tank top was filled with sweat and my shorts were drenched too. I wiped off the dirt from the back of my shorts and made my way to the stairs.

"You know," coach began saying as I climbed the stairs with all the speed I could muster, "the only reason I'm hard on you is because I know your capable of reaching the country championships."

I stopped walking down and looked at him dead in the eye. "Country? You mean the entire USA? I haven't even competed in the city's yet."

He paused and looked like he was thinking for a second. "The city's are soon. You better run up and down those stairs faster." He said pointing to the bleachers I was currently walking on. I grunted before quickly finishing my laps. Coach was a man of few words. He didn't like to repeat himself, but the fact that he actually thought I was capable of even winning the city's gave me confidence I didn't know I had.

"Faster, faster, faster!" coach clapped his hands and I instantly looked at my feet and jumped through the stairs faster. "Faster faster faster", Coach's voice kept booming though my mind.

An hour and a half later, and several sweats later, Coach finally let me go home. To say I was tired was an understatement. Never again would I miss practice again. Never again would I listen to Chris. Which is why I called him on speaker phone while I was on my way home.

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