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I've never been more happier for the school bell to ring and indicate that lunch is over. I rushed to my locker without even saying bye to Hannah's friends. I couldn't think straight. All I could think about was Chris' blue eyes; he intrigues me so much. Chris. I can't seem to get him out of my mind. I stop at my locker and rest my head on the cool metal of my locker. Breathe in. Breath out. You got this. This is just day one. Only 270 more days of school before you can leave. 

I enter calculus just as the bell rings. The teacher isn't even here yet. I make my way halfway inside the class before seeing Chris. His beady eyes stare right in my soul and I already feel my legs wobble. Seeing as he recognizes me, he smiles. Okay, I'm literally going to pass out now. I turn around and make my way out of the class. Screw calculus!

I walk fast to my locker and grab all my stuff when I see Chris coming out of the class. Shit. I slam my locker and cover my face with my jacket as I bolt out the school doors. I can't deal with anything anymore. 

"Hey!" I hear a voice shout behind me but I continue walking faster as if I didn't hear them. "Hey, stop!". Walk faster. Ignore. Probably a security guard. "Hey Riya!" a hand holds my wrist and I stop to look at Chris. 

"Why are you running away? Wait are you ditching school?" Chris points at my bag.

"Why are you following me?" I spit back a question

"Ahhh.... So you do speak? I thought you could only run" He grins

"ugh!" I say as I continue fast walking. Why did I park so far away!!!!! 

"You should think about joining the track team. I mean your a natural." He continues talking. I narrow my eyes at him before saying "I'll think about it. Now you should go back to class."

"You should go to class too! Skipping school on the first day-"

"I'm sick" I bluntly tell him

He raises an eyebrow, "lamest excuse I've heard." 

"Whatever, it always works." I mumble. 

"Oh so you have skipped school before...."

"No thats not-" I try to clarify but he cuts me off.

"It's ok. I get it. Your a bad ass that doesn't care about grades, school and all that."

"I do care about my grades!" I shout back. He backs away ask if I just shot him. "I just... I just..." I JUST WISH I COULD DECIDE MY FUTURE SO THAT MY GRADES WOULD MATTER! I want to yell but instead I close my eyes and lower my voice to a whisper. "you're right. I don't care." I open my eyes to see a dumbfounded Chris. God his jaw is perfectly lined! Can he get even more perfect?

I continue walking and soon Chris walks beside me. We walk slow, in monotone as if we've known each other forever. He notices this as well and speaks, "Have we met before?"

"No" I reply too quickly. We haven't met before, but he looks an awful lot as a guy I used to know, who is now even less than a stranger to me. The thought of him makes me angry! I realize I'm clenching my teeth so I try to forget about him. Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. 

"Then why do you hate me so much? did I do something wrong? I mean all I said was hi." Chris says sounding hurt. I feel bad as I look at him. 

"I don't hate you" I shrug

"Then why do you keep running away every time you see me?" 

"What is this? twenty questions?" I stop near my car. "Look I need to leave-"

"Why?" he cuts me off, again. But now that I come to think of it, the only reason I ran away is because I did not want to confront Chris. However, now that I see Chris, he seems so harmless. But we still can't get closer. He reminds me too much of......him.

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