Chapter 10: Insomniac

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Shout outs:

One nightmare is enough, the other is okay, I'll count, even if it takes years, even if it takes me eternity but the last won't be.

Cause the last will be....

~Error Sans

Fresh opened up a portal towards the anti-void while Error lies in his arms,fast asleep. He whistled signaling for blueberry to come. Blueberry winked and squealed in excitement. "Hey, Brah! How did you didly darn do that!?" Fresh asked in a whispered tone, carefully trying not to wake Error up. They sat down and Error was place down with his head gently pressed against Fresh's lap (A/N: BONES!!! ITS ALL BONES AND I DONT KNOW THE PARTS!) Blue began to open his mouth and spoke....


Error passed out on Fresh's arms. This made Fresh uncomfortable. He was worried, for the first time, he never was worried, but he knew it, he knew he was worried, but he didn't like it, he ignored, he pushed it, he shouldn't feel feelings. Feelings are enemies. They are dangerous. And when they are in control of you, well..... Your In danger! Fresh placed Error on the floor, Fresh wasn't really sleepy, he never felt sleepy. He just closed his eyes and as he leaned on Error. He can't sleep. Of course he can't! For Pete's sake he IS. A. PARASITE!!!

Error was groaning in his sleep, sweating as he squinted his eyes harder. He was tossing and turning around in his position. He was holding his skull hard, the crack was getting a bit bigger. He gave in, he shouted... "NOOOOOOOO!" He bolt right up, causing a disaster from the 3 of them.

Back to the Present~

"I knew, I saw, I observed. Every time, just look at Error right now, he felt happy just now in his sleep. For the past few days, I don't know... Maybe weeks? He has been having nightmares... I can't help... I can't ask him. But I knew you could. I knew you can." Blue explained while his head lays on his hand. "But... Why?" Fresh asked once more, curiosity was getting the best of him, he felt like he wanted to know... NO! HE NEEDED TO KNOW! He was eager. "I really don't know myself. I just want to see how Error would do tomorrow." Blue simply replied with a genuine smile plastered across his face, but didn't last as a tired face was changed. His eyes dropped down, as he fell, Fresh caught him up, he gently placed him beside Himself.

Fresh, himself, he couldn't sleep, he was a parasite, he can't feel depressed....But he just can't. "I'm a mistake aren't I?" He asked to the darkness, but nobody answered. He frowned. "Haha... I'm crazy, aren't I!?" He asked again. He was growing insane. He removed his jacket and placed it on Error and Blue's skull.

He stood up...
"I'm a mistake..."
"Why do I exist?"
"Why am I here."
"Please kill me!"
"Why do I possess to exist?"
He asked. Too many questions filled his mind, he was crying... He knew he was crying, he knew he was worried, he knew he was furious, but why can't he just show, he was hurting, he was KILLED, he was DEAD in the inside. He just can't show it out. He dropped to his knees, he was clutching hard on where his one full soul used to be. The place where everything started out right, and the place where everything have fallen.

A hand grabbed his shoulders, he was ready to attack when an arm wrapped around Fresh, his arms was wrapped around Fresh. Fresh had calmed and dropped his hands. "E-Error?" He asked in confusion. Confused... Why did he do that? Does he care? "Fresh... I was there myself, I ask the same question, the same thing when I did a mistake. The same idea when I was a mistake.I'm still a mistake. I AM ALWAYS A MISTAKE!" Error admitted. He knew what Fresh felt, he knew what he was going through because he was there! He have been on the same spot where Fresh was.

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