Chapter 9: Forgiveness is what it takes.

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If you can't forgive me, I'll ask again. If you still can't forgive me the second time, I'll ask the second.

If you haven't forgive me the third time. It's okay... I already have forgave you too.

"Thanks, your forgiven!"

~Fresh Sans

"NOOOOO!!!" Error bolt right up from his nightmare, he yelped when he fell down, he haven't realized he was leaning on Fresh's back. He was dusted with a small, bright blue, blush on his face, but not enough for others to see.
The sudden impact made Fresh jump up from his place, and Made Blue to fall backwards, bumping on Error's skull. Fresh fell down and fell on top of Error.
Error was pinned on the floor lost in space when Fresh's glasses fell onto the floor, leaving his only pair of eye sockets. His right eye was normal like every other Sans would have and his left eye was a cracked upside down heart.
A purple aura engulfed on Fresh's eyes, Error's nightmare have come to his life, for the fear of being controlled by an emotionless parasite, he curled up into a ball, blushing madly while he was still pinned down by Fresh, then was released when Error shouted. "GET OFF ME! YA DINGUS!" Fresh flinched, he was as well lost in space. He stood up and dusted of his clothes, picking up his glasses that in mili-second, Error saw a glimpse of something written. Something else, something rather.... Different. When the glasses were put back in place where it's supposed to be, The words turned to it normal 'YOLO' sayings.
Error shook his head, it must have been due to what happened earlier.
Error haven't remember much what happened the night before he passed out on Fresh's shoulder.
"What happened?" Error asked, catching the attention of his both so-called friends. Blue and Fresh turned both their heads towards Error. "What is it Error?" Blue concernedly ask Error. "What happened the night before I passed out, and how was I sleeping back to back with Fresh. More importantly... WHY HIM?" He asked several questions all in one breath. His gasped for air, the moment he stopped talking.

"Well, yesterday... You were apologizing to Fresh, he...however accepted your apology but you passed out the moment he said so, and so I think he would like to say it again, right Fresh?" Blue hit Fresh in the side by his elbow. Fresh flinched again and turned his head left to face Blue. "Oh.. Uhmm... Yah.. Right, broski! I.. Uhm.. Sorry little dude." He says, quite a bit insulting perhaps. "LITLE? Is that what you think I am?" Error snapped back. "Well, yeah little dude. Your smaller than me... Quite annoying to sometimes."  Fresh said, muttering the last sentence so he could only hear what he says about Error. "You know I'm standing beside you, idiot!" Error said, quite offended by what Fresh said. "Yah Brah! Your still SMOL!" Fresh mocked, squatting down to Error's height, acting like a little ol' baby. "Hey! I'm not the smallest here! Idiot." Error snapped at him, punching his face but failed to do so. "Oops! Miss me brah!" He bragged. Error growled, clenching his fist. "STOP! I'm not SMOL and doesn't mean that I'm smaller than you, you can mock me like I'm a baby!" He yelled in Fresh's face, literally. "Look who's talking! Acting like a big baby who failed to learn manners. AWWWA!" Fresh mocked again, he was getting used to Error's complaints, and so was Error, both of them are used to each other's actions towards each other.
Blue, on the other hand just stood there, "WILL YOU STOP!" He interfered the quarrel. "YOU BOTH ACT like KIDS! And guess who's talking, I'm the smallest here around! And you guys act like immature children. Do I really have to tell you this! For PETE's sake! I'm younger than both of you... Bla bla bla bla bla bla....." Blue continues his complaints, while Error and Fresh are laughing like total idiots being dumb. "Bla bla bla bla bla~" he kept on talking, Error and Fresh was going to leave when,. "Hey! WHERE DO YOU TWO THINK YOUR GOING!" He yelled.

Error and Fresh burst out laughing, holding hands both running away from the Blueberry. "YOU COME BACK here right now!" He scolded. But Error and Fresh laughed harder. Blue was panting, but he kept on going. Fresh took out his skateboard, hopping on it while taking Error by his hand. And in a speed of light, both Error and Fresh were in a different Universe. Error gasped, then he purposely flopped on the floor.
"Is he gone yet!" He mumbled, still his face on the floor. "No, but look around!" Fresh said. "What do you-.... I...." Error was lost in words, the AU he landed on was the first AU he didn't want to destroy.
He wandered around, and found the place he used to sit on. He stared among the stars, twinkling as they made calming music. Error closed his eyes, enjoying the sweet sweet peace of the place. He felt a cold boney hand interlocked with his. "HEY! What do you think your doing!" He yanked his hands close to his face, while a bright, small blue blush appeared on his face. "Sorry, little dude!" Fresh apologized. Error growled when Fresh said 'Little Dude.' Like seriously, does that even make any sense at all? Error sighed, closing his eyes, he didn't want to say it.... Not yet....

Not yet....

Not yet.......

Not yet....

Not yet..........

Maybe now?...

"Fresh, I'm so sorry!" Error blurted out, pulling Fresh close to him, Error's head pressed against Fresh's chest. "It's okay, little dude! I already forgave you!" He didn't hesitate to hug back.

Fresh secretly put out a thumbs up behind his back, Blue was there as well, Hiding behind a space rock, returning the same gesture to Fresh. Fresh put his hands down, and hugged Error close to his chest, while he was crying softly, and passed out again.

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(A/N: i got bored so I made a short comic

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(A/N: i got bored so I made a short comic. So.... I'm gonna bring the big gun of emotions when it's time. But for now, let's have some fluff. Somethin' cute for the readers. I'm sorry. Please also accept that updates would be every Friday. I'm always free during that time. In my country, Friday and Saturday is our weekends. Our schedule was changed due to the unexpected daily or everyday weather here In our country. Thanks for reading!)

UnfoldedM. Away!

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