"I heard those people talking, they said they hate me."
     "Ella sweetie look at me" that was my auntie who spoke "please, baby" she begged when I didn't look up.

    I looked up and saw that she was crying too. She brushed my years away and held my face in her soft hands 'like mommy's' I thought.

   "Listen Ella, I don't hate you sweetie, I just need to get used to you okay? You're my angel baby and I will never hate you."

   "You promise? Pincky promise me" and I held my pincky for her to take it. She took my finger with hers and said:

    "I promise baby, I will love you no matter what. My little angel"

    She hugged me and held me tight like mommy did when she was upset.


   Its been a year now and my daddy and mommy ain't still here. I miss them so much and I want to go home. I hate it here so much, but I love it when someone comes to visit me and auntie, that is when she is nice and smiling at me, she holds me and kisses me whenever we have guests.

   She broke her promise. I know she hates me, she cries every time she is home and s9he won't even look at me. But I still love her, she brings me a ice cream and let's me watch TV when I want to.

My boss!जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें