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"I got a night shift at a restaurant," I told hyeong.

He didn't spare me a glance as he sat on the bed with his eyes half closed and a bottle of soju in his hands.

"Hyeong, are you listening?" I asked, getting irritated.

He wavered his hands in front of his face, "Can't you start tomorrow?"

"I have to start today...and I can't skip my first day. That will leave a bad first impression."

He pursed his lips and nodded.

"Okay then, how about you join me for a drink?"

"But hyeong~" I whined. "I have to go to the café. My shift starts in five minutes."

"Oh, okay. Go on then."

I smiled and headed to the door. As soon as I left the room, something pulled me back. I realised that my brother never asked me to drink with him before.

I was about to take a step forward, but it hit me. Maybe he needed me by his side.

With a pout on my face, I walked back to the room.

He was sitting motionless until he noticed my presence.

"Oh? You're here."

"I can't skip the night shift, but who cares about the cafe, right?" I said giving him a wink.

I threw myself next to him and right there, he smiled. Sungjae smiled. His crescent eyes, his box smile... it all reminded of Dad. I had almost forgotten that even he had Dad's smile.


We spent the entire afternoon talking and it felt good. I haven't been this comfortable in a long time.

Just before I left for my shift, he said something that he had never said since he was in middle school. He called me Taetae.

"Take care... its dangerous at night."

"I will. Don't worry."

With that, I headed towards the door, feeling slightly dizzy because of the drink, but stopped when he spoke again.

"Taetae...I'm sorry for being such a mean hyeong. I'm sorry you have to work this hard. I'm sorry I couldn't save our dad. I'm sorry I had to be your brother-"

"Hyeong!" I snapped turning around furiously. "Stop apologising! It's not your fault!"

He stood up and walked towards me. I had many scenarios in mind, but what he did took me off guard.

He stretched his arms and smiled.

"Aren't you gonna give me a hug?"

I chuckled before engulfing him in an embrace.

"Take care Taetae, just know that you're the only thing that kept me going for this long.... I love you."

I deserved death for leaving him alone that night.



DON'T KILL ME. Thank you so much for all the votes and comments. Y'all know who you are, leaving at least one comment on every chapter ♡

You guys are amazing

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