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The jingle of chains echoed throughout the halls, followed by a few grunts of exertion. The pounding of gloves on fabric made my heart become alert.

Taking a deep breath, I slowly entered the training room. My eyes were still swollen from my crying, and I tried to cover up my broken expression with a blank mask.

Locus bounced in front of a beaten up punching bag, his tight grey t-shirt sticking to his skin like glue. Sweat caked his body, and with every punch to the sand-filled bag came more and more power.

"We need to talk," I announced loudly, making sure the soldier heard me over his panting and grunts. He shot me a hesitant look before he nodded quickly. Locus approached me, leaving the punching bag swinging from the momentum of his fists.

"You regret it," Locus states, eyeing me up and down as he unstrapped the velcro of his gloves. "Of course I do," I wheezed, "It was a mistake. And it never should've happened." The green and grey merc nodded slowly, unraveling his leather gloves slowly.

"Why did it, then?" He raised an eyebrow, and I almost felt insulted that he wasn't agreeing with me. "I love you, Locus," I whispered, feeling him tense in front of me after I closed my eyes, "But, not in the way you want me to."

"He doesn't deserve you," the mercenary refuted, slamming his gloves on to the table beside him. "You think you have the right to tell me that? You're not my mother," I snapped, not meaning to sound as harsh as I did. Locus almost flinched at my tone.

"You don't know shit about me and Felix," I stabbed a finger towards him, my eyes that were once hurt and sad were now fiery and burning. A certain rage was boiling up inside of me... Why?

"I know more than you think," the soldier rebuttals, his foot tapping the ground rapidly, "I know he talks about you like you put the stars in sky... Yet, here you are. Hurting him time and time again."

"You kissed me. You did this, not me," I shook my head, hot tears welling up in my eyelids. "But, you didn't stop me," Locus sort of shrugged, the corners of his lips tugging upwards into a smirk. After I didn't reply, the sweaty man in front of me continued.

"If you asked Felix to list all the things he loved in order, how long would it take for him to say your name?" The merc watched my expression carefully, smiling when I glued my eyes to the floor in thought. "There's a lot besides money on that list that would come before you," Locus mumbled, lifting my chin with two fingers to gaze at my face.

I tore away from his grasp, tears stinging my eyes. "Why are you doing this?" I whispered, my eyes filled with intensity and loath. "To show you that you're wasting your time," Locus took a step forward, our noses almost touching. I felt his husky breath hit my face, and I had to restrain myself from shoving him away.

"I'm with him," I took a small step away from my partner, "For better or for worse." I watched Locus set his jaw, his annoyance and temper rising, "It'll probably be for worse." I shrugged, pressing my lips into a thin line after I felt tears running down my cheeks, "I knew that the day I met him."

"You knew he would lie and hurt you? You knew you would turn to someone else for comfort when he didn't give you the love you deserved?" His words stung, making me grow with hurt and anger. "You're sick," I wheezed, holding onto my heart like it was about to break into a million pieces... Which it was.

"I'm not sick, I'm twisted. Sick makes it sound like there's a cure," he stared at me with cold eyes, watching as my face crumbled with tears. "Stay away from me," I began to separate from him, the cloudiness in my eyes making it hard to see him from a distant.

"You can't blame your own mistakes on an innocent bystander," he called after me, and I flinched. He was like my conscience. Reading my thoughts. "You're anything but innocent," I scowled, turning away and sprinting out of the training room.

No matter how fast I ran away from the man who started this, I couldn't outrun the guilt and blame. This was all my fault, not Locus' or Felix's. I started this. And I was too scared to finish it.


"You regret it," Locus' words echoed in my mind. Along with the rest. "I didn't stand a chance, did I?" Wash appeared next to me, his voice pounding in my ear. I shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut until they hurt from the pressure.

"This is what happens," the Freelancer hissed, eyeing me with hate, "You let people in. And, they destroy you. Just like you destroyed all the people you loved. And, now?" I open my eyes, dreading the words he was so happy to tell me.

"You're all alone."

The ringing in my ears was louder than my screams. I tried to get it to stop. Maybe shoving all the contents on my sink to the tile below would help. I flinched at the loud clang, staring at myself in the bathroom's mirror.

Felix leaned on the doorframe, his eyes filled with hurt. I knew it wasn't an illusion; he was different. I could feel it. Or, maybe he was just like the rest.

If I touched him, he would disintegrate and float away. Or, he would be real and shove me away from him. Either way, I was too afraid to test it.

"How long have you been standing there?" I stared at him through my foggy mirror, fearing that my short moment of insanity was really true. He shuffled his feet, clearing his throat as he gazed at me with concern.

"Longer than you'd like."

ahhh let the insanity sink in. well, more like outburst and overreacting. but, who knows... maybe this is exactly what locus was wanting. do you think Felix is ready to forgive her? do you think Sam should tell Felix all the lies and secrets she's been keeping from him? find out next chapter!!!

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