The Reveal

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3rd Person POV:

"Enemy contact, fall back!"

"Where'd he go?"

The Reds and Blues listen to their Warthog's radio, shivering at the agonizing screams of the Federal Army's soldiers.

"Sarge!" Wash exclaimed, his hand wrapped around Sam's shaky palm.

Sarge, Donut, and Lopez drive by in a Rocket-hog. "Way ahead of you!" The red sergeant hollers, grinning proudly at his readiness.

"What is happening?!" Simmons yells, panic surging in his heart. "We're under attack!" Wash states, dropping Sam's hand to raise his BR. He scans the snowy landscape around him. Sam attempts to do the same, but her sweaty hands make it hard for her to hold the gun at a steady angle.

"Donut, establish a perimeter!" Sarge orders, hopping out of the Warthog with his shotgun already in hand. "Got it," the pink soldier gives a short salute before yelling across the snowy hills, "Hey! Just so you guys know, you better not come over here!"

"Usted avergonzar a sí mismo," Lopez shook his head disappointedly, still gripping onto the controls of the Warthog's rocket turret. 

"Thank god, sir," a Fed soldier sprints to Sarge, grateful to see a superior, "you've got to help us. They came out of nowhere." The gruff commander raises an eyebrow, "Who, the rebels?"

"No!" The terrified man screeches, his whole body visibly shaking. "Oh, good," the sergeant exhaled with relief, "Because we kinda just found out that they're really not that bad. Boy, have we got a story to tell you, and you are gonna laugh!"

"It's not the rebels, sir. It's-"

A bullet is sent through the Fed's skull before he could finish his explanation. His body cripples to the ground, and ashes now make up his mass.

The Reds and the Blues stare at his dust in astonishment, their jaws hanging open. "Umm... Did everyone else see that?" Tucker exchanges a few uneasy glances with his partners.

"You mean a man disintegrate right in front of us?" Grif raises an eyebrow, still not taking his gaze off the pile of ashes.

"Yep!" Tucker nodded quickly, a lump forming in his throat out of fear and anxiousness. "Really wish I hadn't," Simmons sighed, wiping off his glasses with a thumb.

"Well, that's gonna scar me for life," Sam exhales a shaky breath, trying to empty the horrifying memory out of her mind.

"We've gotta do something!" Simmons finally snaps out of the daze, his eyes wide with terror. "We could run! Running is something!" Grif cried out, hoping his friends would agree to his mediocre plan.

Suddenly, a sticky detonater round lands on the Warthog. "Get away from the car!" Wash urgently warns his partners, grabbing Sam's hand and pulling her away forcefully.

They all sprint away from the jeep. Donut screams like a little girl and Lopez yells in Spanish. The Warthog explodes.

The crew gathers in a circle and aim their weapons, searching for the enemy. "What are we dealing with?" Wash calls to no one in particular. "We don't know!" Donut squeals, his BR aiming this way and that.

"Well it ain't the rebels, that's for sure," Sarge states the obvious, reloading his shotgun. "Then who the hell is it?" Sam snaps, her fear drained and now replaced with alertness.

Binary rifle beams appear on all of the soldiers and they lower their weapons reluctantly. An invisible shimmer descends down the stairs, "Like sheep to the pen," it's menacing voice belonging to the only soldier possible.

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