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"Ugh," I groaned, the back of my head throbbing. Did I get knocked out? When I opened my eyes, there was no one around.

The lights were still out, but the shooting flames kept lapping at the air around it. Sweat coated my body, and I found myself short on breath as I tried to see through the dim lighting.

My instinct told me to contact Felix through comms, but when I tried to reach for the button on the side of my helmet... I couldn't.

Eyes widening, I almost gasped when I saw ropes stretched across my stomach. I jerked my arms in frustration, gritting my teeth, "Fuck me." An aggravated sigh was released behind me, "Prescott, I'm not in the mood to be teased with such words and invitations."

I rolled my eyes playfully, a smirk dancing on my lips, "It wasn't an invitation, Felix." He chuckled under his breath, the ropes around me tightening as he wiggled, "Sweetheart, denial and refusal are two totally different things. Pick one."

I would've laughed, but a certain voice made me freeze immediately.

"I didn't think I asked Santa for two murdering, psychopathic mercenaries for Christmas," Agent Washington loomed out of the shadows, his partner in crime following right behind him. "No, he did not," the giant red AI appeared in front of the panel, almost making me yelp at the jump-scare.

What are they doing here?!

They're gonna be killed!

Where's the rest of the crew?

Are they safe?

"It was a rhetorical statement," the Freelancer rolled his eyes, his BR surprisingly relaxed in his gloved hands. "We're not psychopathic," Felix humored, "I prefer the term creative." I stifled a giggle, earning a glare from Carolina and Wash.

"Look, guys. We really don't have time to play catch up so, if you'll be so kind as to chop off these ropes and let us get on our way... That'd be great," Felix exclaimed, the false amusement in his tone ringing through the air.

"Well, don't count on it. And since we took away all your weapons, looks like you can't do it yourselves!" Carolina faked a gawk, her smirk audible with her voice. I rolled my eyes, the anger pulsing through my veins.

Suddenly, I felt something cold being pressed into my hand. Felix! He always had a weapon hidden on him! I swallowed my excitement, taking the two throwing knives from him and slowly starting to slice the restraints on my wrists.

While I did so, Felix acted as my distraction. "So, how the hell did you idiots even manage to turn off the lights in this place?" He scowled, glancing at the temple around him. "Ta da!" The tiny little blue hologram appeared on Carolina's shoulder, his arms outstretched beside him. "Of course," my boyfriend grumbled, his head hanging.

"What are you even doing here?" I growled, my voice entirely strained and my eyes begging for answers. "Well, we couldn't just let you destroy the army's one and only home," Wash flashed me a smile, crossing his arms in a confident way. "So, we decided to take a stand. Especially since we still have Armonia," Carolina finished, shrugging contently at their little plan.

I almost cried out in joy when the rope snapped off of my wrists, and I immediately began to saw at Felix's. The unwithstandable scent of smoke reeked in my nostrils, scorching and sweltering hot. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I glanced at the never-ending beam of fire.

"Where are the others?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to hide my burrowing eyes. "Safe. Evacuated just in case our plan fails," Wash nodded, slightly smiling once I noticeably sighed with relief. I tried to cover it up with a cough, the smell and heat from the fire burning my throat.

Come With Me... (AU of Crashed Love)Where stories live. Discover now