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"Well, she's been out for 3 fucking days! I don't see what's better about her!"

"She's just recovering, Felix."

"Oh, don't give me that shit."

Light seeped through my eyelids as I stirred, my right side pulsing wth pain. I gasped, opening my eyes with shock as the agony grew.

"Hey, hey, hey," Felix's orange eyes stared at me with concern as he gently pinned me back to my hospital bed. Sharkface, Locus, and my boyfriend were gathered around me with the same look on their faces.

Pity and concern.

My least favorite expressions.

"What the hell happened?" I squinted, propping myself up on my elbows to gaze at my partners. "You got shot after I told you it was going to be dangerous up there! But, you didn't listen-" Felix started to get this parental lecture going, but I immediately shut him up.

"Felix, I'm a grown-ass woman. I can make my own decisions," I chuckled, wincing again at the pain in my side. "You got that right," Sharkface smirked, and Felix immediately sent him a death glare.

Before my boyfriend could beat the living shit out of the rookie, a smiling doctor strolled through the infirmary door. "Well, look who's up!" The happy man beamed me a grin, picking up the clipboard beside my bed.

"How's she doin', doc?" Felix gazed at the man with dreadful eyes, and I gave him a patronizing look. "Better than expected," the doctor chuckled, flipping through the charts before setting down the papers.

"You're lucky, Miss Prescott. The bullet barely missed your axillary artery, which becomes the brachial artery as it traverses down the arm," the doctor points a finger at my armpit, traveling down my side, "It is a major blood vessel. Severing this artery would be bad. Like... minutes to live bad."

Felix squeezed my hand, showing me a strained look. I beamed him a small smile before turning my attention back to the doctor.

"The bullet went through your side, hit your ribs just above the elbow, chipped off a piece of the bone fragment, ricocheted off the rib, and exited through the armpit. You've already got stitches, and you've just gotta let that chipped rib heal. Especially those stitches," the smiling man patted my shoulder reassuringly before marching out of the room.

"Thanks doc!" I called after him, puffing my lips in defeat. "Take it easy," he replied, waving a hand behind him as he shut the door.

"Well, hopefully she takes it hard," Sharkface snickered, winking at me once I gave him a disgusted look. "That's it, I'm gonna kill him," Felix snarled, standing up from his chair and rushing towards the rookie.

"Felix," Locus and I both scolded him, but the merc wouldn't listen to us. He had smelled blood, and he was going for it.

With both of the mercs shouting insults and taunts at one another, Locus finally stepped in and put a stop to the cat fight. "No violence against partners," he sighed, his tired green eyes closing in frustration.

"Not this again," Felix groaned, rubbing a hand to his forehead as he took a step away from the red and black merc. "Wait, did something happen while I was out?" Confusion poured over my mind at Felix's comment, and I worried if I missed a big battle.

Or maybe I was worried they were already dead...

"Well, it's no surprise that your badass boyfriend chased down Donald Doyle and retrieved the key we need to activate the Purge," Felix held his head up proudly as the rest of us rolled our eyes. He then jabbed a thumb to Sharkface, scowling, "But, goldfish over here forgot to mention the sword only works if the General is dead!"

"What?" I narrowed my hazel eyes at the rookie, who just showed me a shrug. "So, now it's useless until that coward is six feet under," the orange and grey merc grimaced, shaking his head as he glared at the tile below him.

"Well, what are we gonna do now?" I fiddled with my thumbs, eyeing Locus once he cleared his throat. "Invade Armonia. Make a final stand and kill the General at all costs," he crossed his arms, his voice deep yet soft.

"What?! We'll lose all of our men!" Sharkface refuted, raising his voice in a shout. "You're not calling the shots here," Felix snapped, his tone bitter and cold. "Well, who assigned you as the grownup? Is it someone's birthday?" The red and merc mocked as he rolled his eyes.

"At least my face doesn't look like it caught fire and someone tried to put it out with a hammer," Felix smirked proudly, faking a gasp as he peered at Sharkface, "Oh, wait! That actually happened!!!"

"That's irrelevant."
"Your life is irrelevant."
"And yours is any better?"
"Well, it's better than being a fish. I can tell ya that."
"Sharks beat assholes, just so you know."
"Ew, that's kinda gross."
"You know what I meant!"

"ENOUGH!" I erupted, squeezing my eyes shut as I held my head in my hands. Locus gave me an amused look, a bit disappointed I ended the argument.

"Jesus, you're giving me a headache!" I sneered, laughing bitterly as the two looked to the ground in shame. "We'll let you rest," Locus nodded understandingly, shooting the others a glare that said get moving.

I gave Locus a grateful smile, which he returned. Felix shared a quick kiss with me before marching out of the infirmary. Sharkface chuckled as I glared daggers at him, sarcastically blowing me a kiss before shutting the door.

I'm living with a bunch of assholes.


I jolted awake when I heard the door to the infirmary click shut. My alert eyes tried to see a figure, an object, anything in the pitch black room.

"Hello?" I spoke into the darkness, listening carefully for any movements or scuffles. Sighing, I reached over the railing of my hospital bed to try and flip on the light switch.

Before my finger even brushed it, someone pounced on to my bed. A yelp escaped my lips but a strong hand covered my mouth to stop it.

Once the intruder started to kiss my neck, I immediately knew who it was.


My body relaxed and I giggled, "I thought you were working out a plan with Locus?" His skillful hands worked their way up my sides, making me squirm under the hospital bed's sheets.

I would've been wondering why he wasn't whispering sweet nothings in my ear if it hadn't been for his lips attacking my skin. Biting down on my bottom lip, I swallowed every moan that tried to make its way up my throat.

When I ran my hands over his biceps, I stopped when I felt a bump. Using my finger to trace it, I realized it was a scar.

...I don't remember Felix having a huge scar on his left shoulder.

I shrugged it off, thinking maybe he got it from a battle when I was knocked out. But, I couldn't help but shake the feeling that something was wrong. Very wrong.

When Felix bit down on my skin, a gasp rolled off of my tongue. My hands immediately went to his hair, to let my fingers rack through his thick locks. But, while my right hand felt hair... the left hand felt nothing.



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