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"MWHAHAHAHAHAAAA!" I threw my head back, my hands rubbing together manically. Felix bursted out laughing, placing a hand on my knee to steady himself.

"No, no!" He chuckled, "Use your upper chest. An evil laugh does not sound like something from a Batman movie." I sighed, clearing my throat to prepare myself.

"Mwhahaha?" I raised an eyebrow, making Felix shake his head in disappointment. "Okay, listen to me one more time," he licked his lips in anticipation.

The merc started a low chuckle, his sneer becoming wider and wider. His laugh escalated, and I immediately got chills.

"See?" Felix smirked, winking at me, "You just gotta think about all the people who fear you. Think about all the people you can end with just the flick of your finger."

I smiled, a bubble suddenly rising within me. I followed his instructions, but I just couldn't do it as well as him. I still had the mwhaha feel to the laugh, and I sulked once I was finished.

Felix chuckled, kissing my cheek in pity, "We'll work on it." Locus appeared out of the cockpit, and into the Pelican's cabin. "We're landing," he stated, gruffly.

"You ready?" Felix raised an eyebrow, and I nodded. I gulped nervously, tapping my foot in an anxious manner. "Thank you," I peered at Locus, "For letting me be here."

He stared at me for a moment, then nodded once before turning back to reloading his weapon. Felix placed a hand on my knee, beaming a smile at me.

After clearing his throat, he gave me an uneasy look, "Just stay next to me and you'll be fine, okay?" I nodded, trying to find the right words. By before I could say something, the hatch to the Pelican bay opened.

"I guess it's time," he smirked, standing up and reaching for my hand. I took his, strapping on my helmet after giving him a quick kiss. "I guess so."


3rd Person POV:

"Time's almost up," Felix taps his foot impatiently, his hands resting comfortably on his hips. Locus activates his radio, "Bravo, report."

Bravo responds almost immediately, "No visual on the targets. I... don't think they're coming, sir." Locus squints, his suspicion rising, "Hmm... stay on guard."

Felix shrugs, "Guess they didn't trust us." Sam huffs, pacing the top of the radio jammer's platform, "They're not gonna just stand by and watch the armies die... They'll be here."

Felix glances at the mercenaries around them. He spots one in particular, walking away into the shadows. Found you, he thought, sneering as he glanced at his partner. "Locus... how many men did you bring with you?"

"Four. The rest were needed at the capital," the green and grey mercenary doesn't think any of the question, just continues to scan the deserted tower. Felix smirks, "You don't say..."

Sam watches as her boyfriend creeps around the bridge and hops up on to the platform. He aims his DMR at the mercenary, "Excuse me!" The orange and grey merc taunts, "You look familiar. Have we met?" He fires, disrupting her camouflage and the unusual space pirate restores to her cyan armor color. It's none other than Carolina. Big surprise.

Felix chuckles, "Ohhhh man! You are fast! Oh, but minus points on originality." Carolina fires, but her bullets are deteriorated when the merc activates his Hardlight Shield. More pirates decloak around him and he clicks his tongue, "See what I mean?" She drops her gun to the ground and puts her hands in the air, "All right. You have me."

Come With Me... (AU of Crashed Love)Where stories live. Discover now