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"Again?" Locus baffled, his tone sounding more annoyed than it was concerned. "I'm telling you, it's like a magnet for lead and copper," Felix grumbled, wincing as he climbed on the paramedic's gurney.

"If only the rest of your body was attracted to the same thing," I teased, jabbing Locus in the ribcage with my elbow as we snickered. Felix flashed me a smirk, clicking his tongue, "I'll show you what the rest of my body's attracted to."

I rolled my eyes, motioning for the paramedics to start rolling him to the infirmary. Felix reluctantly laid down on the rolling bed, closing his eyes blissfully. I nodded a goodbye to Locus, glancing over my shoulder as I watched him stroll down the hallway.

He was acting weird lately... And, I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was.

I held onto the gurney as the paramedics pushed it through the ship, gazing down at my restful boyfriend. "How you likin' the Staff of Charon?" The female paramedic smiled at me, motioning to the ship around her as her partner rolled his eyes.

Since we couldn't get through to the Tartarus for some reason, we had to land our Pelican in here. Felix wasn't too happy about that, seeing that the Chairman would be on board with us as well. Although we all wanted our paycheck... we knew a lecture would be there, too.

"It's nice. Bigger than I expected," I returned a smile to her, immediately clamping a hand over Felix's mouth. Once he licked my palm, I immediately retracted my hand away from him in disgust, "Gross!" Grinning proudly, the orange and grey merc exclaimed, "That's what she said."

I showed the paramedics an apologetic look, but they just shrugged in reply. Suddenly, the joking in Felix's expression was gone as he sat up from the gurney. "Stop," he held out a hand, causing the two medics to slam the brakes on the wheeling bed.

"Felix," I placed a hand on his arm, furrowing my brow as I watched him stare at something behind me. "Look," he stabs a finger past my shoulder, and I slowly turned to face what has him so mesmerized.

"Woah," I wheezed, using the gurney to hold me upright. My legs felt wobbly, and my head started to spin like a twister. Felix wrapped an arm around my waist, standing up from the gurney to be beside me. The paramedics tried to stop him, but he just shook his head.

Outside the glass window, the planet I once called home erupted. Chorus was a beautiful planet; one with crystal blue oceans and luscious jungles and deserts. But now, it's landscape was engulfed with lava and fire. The planet looked like its very own sun. And there weren't any other ships around besides ours...

Felix leaned on me for support of his leg, his orange eyes reflecting the hell that swallowed the once earth-like planet whole. His arm hugged my waist tighter, and I nuzzled up to him as we gazed out the window in complete silence.

And then, we watched the world burn together.


"We agreed that she would be getting her own share, sir," Felix growled, his patience beginning to thin. I pressed my ear against the wall, rolling my eyes at the Chairman's stubbornness.

Taking a sip of his black coffee, Malcolm shook his head, "No, we agreed that she would split the paycheck with you. She is your responsibility, after all." I bit my knuckles, stopping myself from mocking his obnoxious accent.

After my boyfriend was quiet for once, Hargrove tried to reason with the merc, "Felix, I've already spent so much for you to complete this mission. In fact, I spent too much considering you failed the original objective. And, you expect me to pay a girl who started six months ago in full?"

"We did what you asked, sir!" Felix exclaimed, stomping his foot on the ground. I almost winced at his intensity. "What can I do with a bloody destroyed planet?!" The Chairman screamed, definitely making me wince that time.

"It was better than them running off to tell the UNSC," Felix grumbled, staring at the floor as if in shame. "Do you know what would have been better than that?" The British asshole raised an eyebrow, slamming his coffee cup on the table abruptly, "You doing your job!"

I set my jaw, scowling as I started to stomp towards the entrance of the command room. I had enough of this dickbag, trying to take for granted what we did for him.

But before I could even take a step forward, someone's strong hands wrapped around my waist and yanked me back. I stumbled into the person's chest, turning around furiously.

"You don't want to be doing that," Locus' deep voice made my eyes widen in surprise, as well as his forest green eyes beating into mine. "Let me go," I snarled, keeping my volume at a low.

"I'm not going to let you storm in there and make things worse," the green and grey merc was stern, making me even more angry. "I don't need you protecting me," I snapped, trying to pry his hands off of my hips.

"I think you do," Locus growled, abruptly smashing his lips onto mine. I immediately reacted, surprising him and even myself when I pulled his face closer to mine. An explosion happened inside of me, making me hungry for something I didn't understand.

A hum vibrated in his throat and through our lips, his hands guiding me towards a wall. Once my back hit the cement, Locus planted a hand beside my head as a support. His free hand slid down my waist, caressing my thigh.

"Mm, no," I pushed away from his lips, sickening guilt washing over me. "I can't do this," I whispered, putting my hands on Locus' chest to keep him away. His hurt eyes searched mine, and I pressed my lips into a thin line to stop myself from doing anything else.

"You're right," our heads instantly snapped to the new voice, my heart piercing, "You can't do this." Felix fumed at the sight of us; Locus holding my thigh with one hand while pinning me against the wall with the other. I knew he had been standing there for far too long.

I tore away from Locus, approaching my boyfriend with my tongue tied. "Felix, I-" Before I could reason with the merc, or before I could even get close enough to touch him... He turned around and stormed away.

And I don't blame him.

"Sam," Locus called, his tone actually comforting and apologetic. My eyes started to flood as I watched Felix stomp down the hallway, my chest rising and falling quicker and quicker with my heartbeat. Running my fingers through my hair roughly, my bottom lip quivered when I started to shake my head.

"Damnit!" I screamed, ramming my foot into the wall beside me abruptly. Locus actually winced, watching me as I pounded my foot into the cement a couple more times. I'm sure I left a dent. A frustrated grunt left my lips after I gave up on beating the wall to death.

"Sam," Locus repeated, slowly taking a step towards me. I just shook my head, immediately taking off down the hallway once he reached out to hold me. Tears poured down my face, but every time I wiped them off with the sleeve of my shirt... More replaced them.

God, what did I just do?

oooo damn sam got into some shit. I know a bunch of y'all have been waiting for that special moment with locus and Sam, but don't you worry. there will be one more where that came from ;D poor felix... his girl just made out with his partner... he ain't too happy about that. leave a comment and like and then let me know what you think is gonna happen next!!!

Come With Me... (AU of Crashed Love)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz