Chapter 18- Questioning

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Bailey yawned, stretching her hands out behind her as her History teacher rambled on and on about the Battle of Hastings and it's importance in British History. History was by far Bailey's worst subject. So far at NorWest she had only gone to one History lesson, on her first day. She had missed the rest because she had either skived with a hangover or couldn't be bothered going back to class after lunch. She doubted anyone in her History class, besides Luke, knew her name.

"Bailey, what happened at the Battle of Hastings?" Mrs Henderson asked, stopping in front of her desk.

"Dunno, I wasn't there." Bailey replied, earning sniggers from other members of the class. Bailey shot most them a sharp look and they shut up immediately. Mrs Henderson glared at Bailey, folding her arms across her chest.

"I'm well aware that you weren't present at the Battle itself Bailey, I myself wasn't either but I can still tell you what happened."

"Then what the hell are you asking me for?"

A scattered giggling rippled around the classroom, but stopped abruptly as Mrs Henderson smacked her hand down in Bailey's desk.

"Detention, Monday lunchtime!" She yelled, making students around Bailey jump. "And I want to talk to you after class."

"You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, take a seat Bailey." Bailey drew her eyebrows together in confusion and sat down on the chair to the side of the desk. "I want to talk about your attendance in this class." Bailey nodded, but didn't say anything, mentally rolling her eyes. She had had this talk with her teachers at her old school in Adelaide.

"This is only the second time you've appeared for this class, Bailey. You have been at this school for 3 weeks now."

Bailey nodded, refusing to open her mouth in case she said something that would get her into more trouble than she already was.

"You are quite far behind Bailey, you haven't got half of the information you need and I read you're paper you handed in earlier in the lesson, and it's not good."

"Obviously because I haven't had half of the information I need," Bailey commented, rolling her eyes.

"You would have the information if you showed up for class, Miss Winters. If you want to pass the exam at the end of the year, you need to start showing up for your classes."

"I was speaking to your French teacher, and though you've showed up to his class more than you have to mine, you're behind everyone else in that class too. You need to start taking school seriously, otherwise you are going to fail your exams, do you understand?"

"Yes Mrs Henderson," Bailey said, nodding politely.

"Are you going to start showing up to your classes more often?"

"Yes," Bailey lied.

"I'm serious Bailey, if you don't start showing up for lessons, I will have to tell your reg. Teacher and they'll get you a attendance timetable."

"I'll start showing up more," Bailey lied again, shooting her teacher a fake smile. "Can I have the work that I've missed?"

Mrs Henderson handed her a handful of paper and she walked out of the room, dropping the smile as soon as she turned away. Like she was going to start showing up for classes just because Mrs Henderson had told her too. She had no interest in anything that she was taught in school, she just wanted to get out of school as soon as possible and get the hell away from her mother.

She dumped the paper in the nearest bin and walked out off the school. Her last class of the day was French, and she wasn't ready to face Blair in class, and wasn't planning to ever again.

"You're home early," Kylie said to her daughter as soon as she walked through the door.

"So are you." Bailey spat.

"Why aren't you at school?"

"Why aren't you at work?"

"I asked first," Kylie stated childishly, placing her hands on her hips.

"What are you 5?" Bailey sneered, heading towards the stairs. "You're never home, I'm always off school."

"Is it a crime to want to spend time with my daughter?" Bailey stopped in her tracks and turned round to face her mother.

"Not this again Mum. I don't want to spend time with you, and you've never wanted to spend time with me. There has to be an exterior motive."

"Do you really hate me that much?" Kylie asked, frowning slightly.

"Yes," Bailey snapped. "I do, and with good reason. You would understand if you thought about anything other than your work for 5 seconds!" She stormed upstairs and slammed her bedroom door. She leant against the door, exhaling angrily. That was a good day for her and her mother.

Kylie had never shown an interest in spending time with Bailey before she had gone to New York, but now Bailey was becoming a priority. It scared Bailey, as it was a completely new scenario. She was used to coming home to an empty house every day. Bailey didn't trust her mother, there was no way Kylie wanted to spend time with her out of the goodness of her heart. There had to be a motive behind it, like work or a new boyfriend that she wanted Bailey to meet. Bailey just hoped it wasn't the latter.

"How was the talk with Bailey?" Luke asked Calum as they walked home from school. "Did she tell you to fuck off again?"


"She didn't, she seemed to be in a shitty mood in History?"

"No, she didn't. She apologised properly, and we've sorted it out. We were both in the wrong Luke, I realise that now. She was upset and I shouldn't have taken it to heart."

"Cal, you're my best mate, but sometimes you can be really stupid."


"You shouldn't get involved with girls like her, cause it's going to be you that gets hurt. She only thinks about herself."

"You're just saying that because you're scared of her. Yeah, maybe she does only think about herself, but she hates that about herself. I think she's selfish to protect herself. She seems like the type of girl who has walls built higher than the Empire State Building, but underneath there is a little girl crying for help. I want to be the one that does that. I want to be the one that breaks down her walls and helps her start trusting people again."

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, you are so whipped for that girl it's funny."

"Shut up Luke."

Super shitty filler chapter woo.

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