Chapter 6- Family

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Bailey wished she wasn't on her own. She wished her mother wasn't in New York. She wished that her mother didn't have to go away for weeks on end. She wanted her mother to be there, and hug her and tell her it was alright like her Dad used to. She wished her mum actually cared for her, and did normal mother-daughter activities with her. But she didn't. Her mother had never comforted her when she cried, she had never taken Bailey to the park or Cinema, she had never been in Bailey's life for more than a week at a time. And Bailey hated her for it. It was too late to try and fix their broken relationship. And that was why Bailey was angry.

It was 3am and Bailey couldn't sleep, as usual. The house was eerily silent and she hated it, it only made the thoughts in her head louder. Thoughts about her mother's constant absence from her life, her mother's failure to look after her and protect her from harm. It was all her mother's fault. Every thing that had happened to her was her mother's fault. If she hadn't dated Darryl, he wouldn't have abused Bailey, if she hadn't been away, he wouldn't have gotten away with it. Everything lead back to her mother.

She wandered downstairs into the living room and looked around. There were no photos of Bailey, not a single one from any point in her childhood. There wasn't even a picture of her Dad, who her mother had been married to. Her mother did have one photo up, and it was of Darryl and her on holiday in Spain. Bailey's fists clenched at the sight of the photo. Of course the only photo her mother had was of an abusive man, who was left in charge of Bailey and used it as an excuse to terrify her. Bailey picked up the photo and threw it across the room, watching it smash against the opposite wall and fall to the floor. Bailey's eyes were burning with lack of sleep and angry tears. Her eyes scanned the room looking for something else to smash. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Bailey tugged at the roots of her hair. Her mother didn't love her, she already knew that, but she didn't have a single photo of her only child anywhere in the house. Tears slipped down Bailey's cheeks as she sank to the floor, and curled up into a ball.

She missed her Dad. She missed him so much that it hurt. She had few memories of the man, the ones she had were happy ones. The things she couldn't remember were caught on camera, a moment frozen in time. She had an entire scrapbook of photos of her Dad. One of the day she was born and bundled up in her fathers arms, several from each of her first 5 birthdays, her first day of preschool and random snapshots of her Dad and her having fun. She had adored her father, and still did, 12 years after his death. Bailey couldn't remember the day clearly, but she remembered coming downstairs on her first day of school,a few weeks later, all dressed up in her new school uniform, excited to show her Dad, only to find the kitchen empty and being hit by the sudden realisation that her Dad was never coming back. He was gone, forever.

He had missed her first day of school, her first day at high school, her 6-17th birthdays, her learning how to ride a bike, her learning to tie her shoelaces and her growing up into a young adult. It had been her auntie that taught her to ride her bike and tie her shoelaces,it was her auntie that made her birthday cake each year until she was 10,it was her auntie who had been the parental figure until her mum started dating Darryl, who had stopped her auntie from visiting by being plain rude to her.

After that she hadn't seen her auntie again until she was 13 and her aunt was called in to babysit Bailey while her mother and Darryl went to Spain. Darryl's son Dylan had gone to his mother's that week. Bailey enjoyed Jac's company. She told Bailey all about her Dad, and had given her the photos that now resided in a scrapbook. That week was the best of Bailey life. Jac was a licensed tattoo artist and body piercer, and even pierced Bailey's ears and eyebrow when she told her she wanted it done. Every single one of her tattoos and piercing had been done by Jac.

She missed Jac too. But her mother had fallen out with Jac before they moved, over the tattoos. She hadn't seen her since. It had only been two months since she last saw her, but it hurt. Bailey's mum had deleted Jac's number off of Bailey's phone, so she couldn't contact her. Another reason why Bailey hated her mother.

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