Chapter 13- Princess

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A/N- This chapter contains scenes of sexual assault that some readers may be disturbed by. If you are triggered by this, please do not read. Thank you.

Bailey was furious for letting her guard down around Calum. She wasn't a uninterested and cold bitch anymore, she had feelings and a sense of humour and she couldn't allow Calum,or anyone else, to use that against her. Calum had ripped a whole in her walls, and she needed to rebuild it before he, or anyone else, managed to climb through.

Her walls were also under attack from the asshole who had stopped her in the corridor. Bailey had learned that his name was Blair and he was the captain of the football team. She had also learned that he had a terrible record with girls at the school, after eavesdropping on a conversation a group of cheerleaders were having a couple of feet away from her one lunchtime, in loud voices.

Blair gave Bailey the creeps, and now she had met him, he seemed to appear everywhere she went. She saw him out of the corner of her eye in the hallway, smirking at her, or at the back if her French class, mouthing princess at her when she walked in.She picked up in his name in conversations as she passed, quickly hurried away along the corridor when he approached. It wasn't like when Calum approached her, with kind eyes and a casual smile. Blair approached Bailey with a glint in his eye, his mouth curled into a smirk that made Bailey cringe. His eyes would travel up and down her body, mentally undressing her. She shuddered just thinking about it.

Bailey was running late for class, having slept in deliberately to avoid talking to her mother. She walked along the corridor towards her Reg. Class, mentally preparing herself for dealing with Calum and Mr Wilson. She turned the corner, only to bump into Blair, who looked down at her, smirking.

"Hello Princess."

"Piss off Blair," Bailey hissed, trying to push past him. He grabbed hold of her wrists and pushed her against the wall beside them.

"You've been avoiding me." Bailey squirmed, trying to free herself from his grip.

"Get off me!" She spat, trying to rip her wrists out of his hands. "Get away from me!"

"Stop yelling Princess, we'll get into trouble."

"Stop calling me princess!" Bailey snarled, kicking his shins. Her foot collided with his leg, causing him to loosen his grip slightly. Bailey took that as an opportunity to wrench her hands free and ran away. Blair caught up before she could open her mouth to shout for help, clamping his hand over her mouth.

"We wouldn't want to disrupt the lessons now, would we?" He snarled in her ear, holding her to his chest. Bailey whimpered, failing her arms and legs, trying to make contact with any part of his body. Blair shoved her into an empty classroom and slammed the door, shoving her up against the wall. He connected his lips to her neck, using one hand to cover her mouth, the other to keep his balance next to her head. Bailey screamed into his hand, tears running down her cheeks. She tried to lift her knee, but he was standing on her toes.

"Sshhhh, Princess. It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you." Goosebumps travelled up her arms as she shivered. She couldn't bring herself to fight anymore, so she stood, frozen in fear against the wall as Blair continued to kiss her neck, sliding the hand that was over her mouth down her body and onto her legs.

Images of her stepbrother doing the same thing flashed through her brain. The same horrible feeling of not being able to control the situation, frozen still as he did whatever he wanted. The horrible chills that went down her spine as he sucked yet another hickey onto her neck.

"You're so hot princess," he mumbled into her neck. Bailey squeezed her eyes shut, more tears streaming down her cheeks.

"P-please...s-stop," she choked, swallowing the large lump in her throat that had prevented her from speaking for the last few minutes. "I-i don't l-like it."

"Sshhhh Princess." Blair said, placing a finger in her lips. Bailey felt her blood boil, and she squirmed from under Blair, shaking but no longer frozen in fear. She took a deep breath, filling her lungs with air.

"HE-!" She yelled, before he covered her mouth again.

"You've been such a good girl until now Princess," Blair growled. "Don't make me mad." Bailey slumped against the wall defeatedly, her heart pounding against her ribcage. She turned her head to face the doorway, concentrating on the empty hallway outside the door, trying to block out what Blair was doing. She squeezed her eyes closed again, thinking about her conversation with Calum. His bright smile, his determination to talk to her, his sense of humour.

"GET OFF OF HER!" Someone roared, pulling Blair off of Bailey and punching him in the face. Bailey opened her eyes to find Calum holding Blair by the collar, his jaw clenched and his eyes dark. "YOU ARE A FOUL, DISGUSTING PIG! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT." He let go of Blair's shirt and punched him in the face again before kicking him out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Bailey...Bailey are you okay?" He asked gently, taking a few tentative steps towards her. Bailey stayed pressed against the wall, shaking her head frantically.

"G-get away f-from me..." She whispered, hiding behind her hands. "P-please."

"Bailey, I swear I'm not going to do anything to do you. You have to trust me on that. I'm going to help you.."

"I-i don't ...want" She tried to snap, but her voice broke and she started crying into her hands. Calum took another step closer, holding his arms out. Bailey peeked over her hands, looking Calum straight in the eye, her blue eyes rimmed red with tears. Calum lifted his arms higher, shrugging his shoulders offering her a hug. She stepped forward, wiping her eyes on her sleeve and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face into his shoulder.

"It's okay Bailey, I got you." He whispered, stroking her hair gently a she cried. "I've got you."

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