Chapter 2- Tattoos

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Everything about Bailey made the kids at her new school avoid her. She glared at anyone who even looked at her, her blue eyes cold and unwelcoming. It made them feel uneasy. She made them feel uneasy. She had an aura about her that radiated anger and hatred. The unfortunate kids who hadn't picked up on this and stayed out of her way payed the price when she shoved past them, yelling at them to get out of her way. Even the lady in the office who handed her her timetable and locker key dropped the cheerful tone when Bailey walked in, sensing it would probably piss the girl off.

Bailey looked down at her timetable, frowning. She had no idea where half the classes were but she was not going to ask for directions. Frustrated, she scrunched the piece of paper up into a ball and threw it across the corridor, hitting a Year 7 in the face. He turned to her angrily but quickly scarpered when she glared at him, almost daring him to shout at her.

"You lost?" A deep voice said from behind her. She turned around quickly, hitting a tall, tanned boy in the face with her hair that had fanned out behind her. The boy looked her age, with tattoos visible on his right arm and a stupid blonde streak through his dark hair.

"No." She answered stubbornly, picking up her timetable and unraveling it. She stared at the top right corner, wondering where on earth Room 249 was.

"Oh you're in my registration class," the boy said, reading her timetable over her shoulder. "You must be the new girl." Bailey tried to walk away but Tattoos, as she referred to him in her head, grabbed her wrist.

"It's the other way New Girl." He smirked, pointing along the busy corridor. She yanked her arm out his grip and walked off but Tattoos caught up quickly, being at least 5 inches taller than her.

"So what's your name New Girl?" He asked, falling into step next to her. Bailey ignored him, continuing to walk along the crowded corridor. People stepped out of her way as soon as she got near them. She liked having that power over people. It had taken her ages to achieve it in her old school but it seemed instant here.

"It's rude to ignore people when they are talking to you New Girl," Tattoos continued.

"Will you get lost," she snapped, without stopping or looking at him.

"I'm in the same class as you, I need to come this way anyway." Bailey groaned, pulling at the roots of her hair. It needed redyed, her light brown roots were beginning to show through the black. Tattoos grabbed her wrist again, pulling into a classroom.

"You walked past it," he mumbled when she glared at him, before yanking her wrist out of his grip for the second time. She threw herself down in a seat at that back. The bell rang as she let out a sigh, folding her arms and leaning back in her chair. The class filled up slowly, most of them shooting Bailey half scared, half disgusted looks. She rolled her eyes, playing with her bottom lip between her teeth. The teacher walked in, carrying a massive pile of folders and grinning at his registration class.

"Nice to see you all again," he said cheerfully, too cheerfully for Bailey's liking. No one is that excited in a Monday morning. He scanned the room quickly, raising his eyebrow when he spotted Bailey.

"Ahhh, you must be Bailey, right?" Bailey nodded, her eyes scanning the room with a bored expression on her face.

"Why don't you come up to the front and introduce yourself to the rest of the class."

"No." She scoffed, raising her pierced eyebrow at her teacher.

"No?" He repeated.

"That's what I said."

"I'm not sure what the rules were at your last school were Bailey, but here at Norwest, you're supposed to follow all instructions given by a teacher or member of staff."

"Cool," Bailey shrugged. "That doesn't mean I'm standing in front of this stupid class." She grinned as she watched his face contort in anger. Obviously he was the type of teacher who didn't like getting mad at students and preferred to act like he was the kids' best friend. His mental battle against his rage was funny to watch, and her smirk grew as he fought to keep his voice even.

"Okay, you don't have to if you don't want to," he said, with a strained smile on his face. Bailey was proud of herself, not even two minutes in and she's already annoyed a teacher. It seemed Tattoos was impressed too as he kept glancing at Bailey, smiling stupidly at her defiance. He had never seen Mr Wilson that close to shouting before, and his internal fight against laughing wasn't easily won.

At lunch, Bailey wandered off around the grounds, searching for somewhere quiet to sit. She had gone down to the cafeteria to get something to eat, but groups of 4-5 people kept coming up to her and asking her questions. By the third group of people she'd had enough and stormed out, ignoring the stares she got from the packed cafeteria.

"Excuse me, students aren't suppose to leave the cafeteria until they have finished eating," the lunch attendant said, as Bailey walked past her.

"Do I care? No. So get back to your job and leave me alone." She had had enough of this school and everyone in it. She sat down on a bench hidden in the corner of the grounds, covered by a tall oak tree. It was silent here, no students, no teachers,just the sound of the Autumn breeze swaying the trees branches. Autumn was Bailey's favourite time of year. She loved the beautiful colours of the leaves that fell gently from the trees, and the cold breeze that made a nice change from the sweltering summer sun. She felt calm, letting her hair get blown around in the wind. Her dad used to take her to the park during Autumn, lifting her up to grab the leaves as they fell. She remembered the two of them kicking leaves across their garden, and her dad making her a hot chocolate when they got back home. She smiled slightly at the memory even though it was blurry.

Her moment of peace was interrupted by a loud voice she wished she didn't recognise. Tattoos was making his way over to her table, accompanied by two other boys, one of whom had ridiculously bright blue hair, the other several inches taller than his friends.

"Hey New Girl," Tattoos grinned, sitting down across from her. His mates sat down on either side of him.

"Piss off."

"C'mon, I'm only trying to make friends."

"I don't do friends." Bailey answered, crossing her arms across her chest and glaring  between Tattoos, and his friends.

"See, I told you she wouldn't want to talk to us Calum, let's just leave her alone," the abnormally tall one said, pulling on Tattoos arm.

"You just want to leave because you're scared of her Luke." The blue haired one teased, poking 'Luke's' cheek. Luke swatted his hand away, halting at his friend.

"I am not Mikey!"

"I would listen to Luke if I were you," Bailey snapped, turning away from the three of them, " He's right I don't want to talk to you, or anyone."

"That sounds boring," Calum said, stretching his legs out under the table and accidentally hitting Bailey. She whipped her head round and kicked him back. Pain shot up his leg and he pulled it back towards his body.

"I have practice tonight, you better not have injured it." He said through gritted teeth.

"Aww diddums," Bailey mocked in a baby voice." Did I hurt the great big baby when I kicked him?"

"Let's go," he said, standing up and limping away. Bailey watched as Luke ran to help him and 'Mikey' struggled to walk because he was laughing so hard. Serves him right, Bailey thought. She'd told him to get lost but did he listen. Bailey stared up at the leaves above her, sighing loudly. What was Tattoos' problem?

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