Story telling and Papa Original

Start from the beginning

Her mouth dropped open, "Jeremy!" she said subconsiously, I stepped backwards again, "Yeah, Jeremy. As far as I'm aware, he's not the Doppelganger, so don't ever use the fact my brother needs your blood as an excuse for me not to end your life. I could always cripple you, you know?" I smirked, loving her frightened expression.

Yeah thats right, be afraid. Mwhah- Okay maybe I've had coffee today...

Before she could say something else thats stupid, I walked away from her and back over to my original spot leaning on the tree. I watched as she slowly turned around and practically ran to her car.

Stupid humans.

I puffed out my cheeks as a I remembered what it was like to be one.

"Come on Aria, our brothers are fighting again." Rebekah smiled at me. I grinned and followed after her, we always loved to see our brothers sword fight.

I'm still trying to get them to teach me, which is still failing miserably, how have they not caved in, I'm persistant, I'm stubborn and lets face it, I'm cute. We slowed to a stop, standing beside Henrik we looked at them excitedly as their swords clashed loudly.

They both circled each other again, Elijah glanced at us, "Oh look, our sisters arrive, watch my fast aproaching victory." he smiled.

Niklaus pointed his sword at Elijahs head, "on the contreary Elijah," he smirked, moving his sword towards him, Elijah blocked it quickly by going under the blade and moving it upwards and away, their swords danced against one another in a series of quick movements before Nik hit Elijahs hand, that held the sword, upwards and turned on the balls of his feet, before turning around and cutting his belt. "they've come to laugh at you again." Nik finished, they both laughed playfully.

Rebekah and Henrik laughed as well, that was the second time we had seen Niklaus do that to Elijah, the last time was a couple of months ago, right before I discovered I was a Witch. Since then, I've learned to control my magic better.

I wasn't smiling along with my siblings though, because, just like last time, Mother and Father had seen it as they were walking together.

"Relax Mikael," mother said, "Niklaus means well."

Nik got up as they noticed our parents were near, the care free vibe was gone and was replaced with more seriousness then before.

"And its precisely my problem." he muttered, walking towards us. Mother sighed and walked a few feet away from us but stayed to see the scene that was inevitablely going to come. She glanced at me quickly.

Seeing this, Rebekah stopped smiling, as did all of them. Father reached for Elijah's sword, not wanting to get on his bad side Elijah handed it to him and stepped closer to us as I took one forward.

"So!" he said loudly, walking around in a half circle before facing Niklaus again, "why don't you teach me that trick young warrior." swinging the sword at him.

Niklaus blocked it, "father we were just, having fun."

Father glared at him, "we fight for our survival, and you find time for FUN?" he yelled, "I wanna have fun! teach me!" he bellowed, "come on!"

"Father it was nothing.." he answered nervously, father yelled and attacked Nik with the sword, only this time, it was as if Nik was an enemy. Each blow I noticed my siblings flinch with fear.

Father flicked Niklaus' sword out of his hand and pushed him backwards whilst he took out his legs, making Niklaus fall to the ground. I stepped forward again, my siblings didn't notice this so they failed to try and stop me. Father was on one knee, holding the sword at Niklaus' neck, "you, are foolish and impulsive, my boy." he muttered, "What? no more laugher?" he said mockingly.

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