Chapter 32: My Place

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Alex's pov

Before we knew it, it was already night.

We all sat around the fireplace Calum and Michael had put together, admiring the stars above, just talking about everything and anything.

It was moments like this that I would treasure forever because I had never experienced them before.

I never knew what it was like to have friends.

Never knew what it was like to have those few people who meant the world to you and have yourself
mean just as much to them as they mean to you.

It was a great feeling, really.

Knowing you actually found those people who understood you and didn't care if you were different.

Because being different was perfectly fine.

It just took me a few years to realize that..

But I did now.

As I sat there looking around at everyone around that fireplace I couldn't help, but smile.

Tyler and Ashton had gotten along as well as I hoped and It was almost definite that they were meant for each other.

Luke was helping Mel roast marshmallows and I could see by the smile on both of their faces exactly what they were feeling.

They loved each other.

Indie was on Michael's lap as he had his arms wrapped around her, the smile on his face showed it all..

He had found his somebody.

I looked over at Calum to find him already looking at me.

His eyes glistened from the light coming from the fire.

I smiled at him as he did the same.

He kissed my temple as he pulled me in closer to him and I leaned my head on his shoulder.

I could feel his body move as he laughed, making me smile even brighter.

His laugh was my favorite thing to hear.

No matter what mood I was in I could hear him laugh and I'd instantly feel okay again.

I thought about how much I had to go through with Whitney and Libby..

How much I had to argue with them..

But no matter how much shit they put me through..

It was all worth it in the end.

Because I found my place.

I found my place in this world where I could be...

The Outcast I was..

Sooo I guess that's the end.. I hope you liked it. I was contemplating whether or not to end it now or not, but I felt it gave me a perfect time too.
So I hope you enjoyed the book & such aha:) thank you for reading.
If you want another book just let me know and maybe I'll think of something:)

Much love xx

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