Chapter 2: WTF

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Alex's pov

After lunch Melody and I exchanged numbers as we said goodbye and I made my way to the my next class.


I always hated history it's not that I didn't like learning about it it's just every teacher I've ever had made it so boring when they taught us about it.

I entered the room to see only a few students had arrived.

"You must be Alexandra!" A man in his late 40s said excitedly.

"I'm Mr. Wheeler" he stated.

"I prefer Alex" I told him quietly, trying not to get the rest of the students attention.

"Oh sorry" he stated "Alex it is".

I smiled and he told me to sit in the back.

The second bell rang and the rest of the class came pouring into the classroom.

I tried to avoid eye-contact with them, but I noticed the guy from lunch enter the room and sat in the other back corner.

"Today we are starting to talk about war world two" he put his fingers up and made a peace sign as he said the word two.

The class groaned and sighed.

"I know I know you guys love learning about it" he said sarcastically.

"That's why I'm going to assign you a group project the end of this week so you better pay attention" he told us.

Great a group project and it's only my first day here.


Last period we were having a pep rally and I had no idea where the gym was great..

'Melody.. Can we meet up before the pep rally idk where to go:/'

I sent the text as I sat in class waiting for the announcement.

I felt my phone vibrate my desk as I seen it was a text from Melody.

'Meet me in the hallway. U r in wheelers rite?'

I texted back a quick 'yup' and turned my phone off again.

The loud speaker turned on as a woman began talking "upper class men can head down to the gym now"

I waited till everyone left and I stood out in the hallway and waited for Melody.

The group from earlier made their way down the hallway and I stood there awkwardly, hoping they didn't notice me.

My luck one of the girls pointed me out the the rest of the group making the other girls laugh as well.

God did I want to just punch them:/

Like what's so funny?

I rolled my eyes and noticed the same boy from before looking at me.

Why wasn't he laughing like the rest of them?

He just it kept looking at me with no emotion what so ever.

I broke the eye contact because it was just getting more and more awkward by the moment.

Luckily, I spotted Melody coming my way.

She smiled widely as she connected our arms and lead me to the gym and we followed the crowd.

We entered the gym and we sat on the first bleacher against the wall to avoid the crowd.

"Dang there's a lot of people" I exclaimed.

"Tell me about it" she stated.

After everyone was seated the Pep rally began and the music started playing.

I seen most of the popular girls get up and start twerking in front of our class.

The song made me want to stab my eardrums out of my head.

The lyrics didn't even make sense.

The rapper kept saying the same words over and over again..

"Ass titties ass titties"

What the Fuxk..

People actual enjoyed this shet?

"Melody.. What is this shet?" I asked her confused on why the school was letting this shet play.

"This my friend is called our school's shet music" she rolled her eyes.

"You ain't kidding"

"Luckily I found someone who listens to good music" she added.

I rose an eyebrow at her in confusion.

"I'm talking about you Alex!" She laughed.

"Wait you listen to sleeping with sirens?" I asked her as a huge smile grew across my face.

"Yup!" She squealed.

"Finallyyy someone!" I whisper-yelled.

We both laughed.

Here's chapter 2 Ayeee:) hope you're liking this fanfic so far!

Much love xx

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