Chapter 25: Feeling

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Alex's pov

Later that day, I got a text from Calum.

'Hey I gotta ask you something. You can say no if you want it won't hurt my feelings lol'

My stomach dropped.

'What's up?'

I sent the text, wondering what he was going to ask.

"Well Michael and indie invited me to go with them to see a movie tonight, but I don't wanna be a third wheel so I was wondering if you wanted to come with us?'

I read the text and smiled to myself.

I didn't know whether to think of this as a date or not.

'I'd love to:) just let me know when the movie is and I'll meet ya there'

A few seconds later he texted back.

'I can pick you up at 7 if you want since I mean it's on the way'

I didn't know what to say.

'Oh ok if you're ok with that:)'

'Of course so I'll see you then:)'

I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

'See ya then'

I sent and ran upstairs to find a cute outfit for tonight.


Before I knew it, it was already 7.

I heard Calum beep from my driveway and I yelled to my dad that I was leaving.

"Be home by 10! I love you!" He yelled.

"Love you too!" I replied before shutting the door behind me and getting into Calum's car.

"Hey" I smiled at him.

He smiled back and began driving away from my house.

"So what are we seeing?" I questioned him.

"Some horror movie" he shrugged as he kept his eyes on the road.

"Cool I love scary movies" I informed him.

I looked out the window as we continued driving to the movies.

We pulled into the parking lot and got out, making our way to the entrance of the movies.

"They said they'd meet us inside" Calum told me.

I nodded and we went inside.

I immediately made eye contact with indie and she smiled at me.

"I'll go get the tickets" Calum said.

"Oh here" I stated as I went to grab the money from my pocket.

He stopped me.

"I invited you, you're not paying" he explained.

I sighed and with that he walked over to Michael.

"I didn't know you were coming" she said excitedly as she came over and hugged me.

"Ya Calum invited me. He didn't wanna be a third wheel" I laughed.

I looked over at Calum and Michael as they stood in line waiting to get our tickets.

"Calum wouldn't be a third wheel and he knows damn well he wouldn't be" she rolled her eyes jokingly.

"I think he just used that as an excuse to bring you along" she insisted.

I looked over at him as she continued.

"Plus you're all he ever talks about" she added.

"He talks about me?" I questioned her.

She nodded and laughed at my reaction.

"All the fuxking time. Alex this..Alex that.. I was surprised when Michael said y'all weren't dating" she smirked.

I was about to say something, but Michael began talking.

"We got the tickets" he announced as he held them up.

"Who wants popcorn?" He asked excitedly.

We laughed and followed him over to the food stand.

After getting two large buckets of popcorn we made our way into the theatre we were in.

Calum insisted we sit in the back because we'd have a better view.

I sat down as he sat beside me and Michael on the other side of him.

I laughed as I looked over and seen Calum already eating the popcorn.

"Whattt?" He chuckled.

"Nothing" I shook my head and smiled at him.

He offered me some and I gladly took a few pieces.

A few minutes later the lights dimmed signaling that the movie was about to begin.


About half way through the movie I went to reach for some popcorn, but accidentally touched Calum's hand that was already in the popcorn bucket.

He just kept his hand there like it was nothing.

After a few seconds I slowly moved my hand away and went back to watching the movie because I didn't know what the hell to do.

My heart was pounding out my chest.

It was crazy how something as simple as our hands touching easily made my heart beat faster.

I finally calmed down again as the movie came to an end and the lights came on again.


We all got up and made our way out of the theatre.

"That was really fuxking good" Michael stated with a huge smile.

"Ya it was" indie said as she nodded in agreement.

I would agree with them, but to be honest I couldn't focus on the movie.

I was busy thinking about Calum's hand touching mine.

"Well I gotta bring indie home by 9 so we better get going" Michael explained.

"See you guys later" I said as I hugged indie goodbye.

"Byee" she waved as she left with Michael.

"You ready to go home?" Calum asked after a moment.

I sighed.

"I guess" I shrugged.

He shook his head and laughed.

"Come on you weirdo" he said as he put his arm around my shoulder and lead me outside.

He let go of me as we reached the car and both got in.

The car ride back to my house was silent, but it was a comfortable silence.

When we finally reached my house he pulled into my driveway and looked over to me.

"Thanks for coming with me tonight" he stated.

"It was nothing" I told him.

He smiled at me and we sat there for a moment.

"I better get going my dads probably waiting for me" I lied.

I got out and bent down to lean in the passenger side window.

"I'll see you Monday" I said before walking away.

I turned around one last time and waved goodbye as I reached my front door.

He waved back and with that he left.

There's chapter 25:) hope you liked it!

Much love xx

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