Chapter 26: Attention

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Alex's pov

The week was already going by quickly and before I knew it, it was Wednesday already.

Which meant Calum and I's project was due in history.

Luckily we finished it Monday night after staying up till 12 to finish it.

I hated going in front of people to present projects like this.

"Hey you ok?" The girl beside me asked.

I turned to look at her and nodded.

"Listen if you're worried about presenting just do what I do and remember there's probably no one paying attention" she stated.

"I hope so.. I hate presenting" I told her.

"You'll do fine" she reassured me with a smile.

I thanked her with a smile.

"By the way I'm Tyler" she introduced herself.

"I'm Alex" I told her.

"Nice to meet you" she laughed.

"Now go up there and teach my ass some history" she joked.

"Calum and Alex" mr. Wheeler called from the front of the room.

We both got up and Calum grabbed our poster as we headed to the front.

He gave me a reassuring smile.


After class Calum and I began walking to my next class.

He insisted on walking me even though his class was down the other end of the hallway.

When we finally reached my class I turned to him and smiled.

"Thanks for walking me, but you better not be late" I teased.

He smiled and I swear I seen him leaning in to kiss me.

My heart was beating out of my chest and I didn't know what to do.

All of the sudden I heard Libby say "hey Calum" and next thing I knew she was standing between us.

Not to mention she was nearly on top of my feet.

She wanted to get as close to Calum as she could.

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll see ya later Calum" I told him.

Libby turned around for a second to give me a devilish grin and with that I walked into class.

Libby ruined everything..

If it wasn't for her Calum might've just kissed me.

God I hated her..

Calum's pov

I was about to finally make a move on Alex when Libby had to come and ruin it.

Why did she always do this?

"Hey Calum" she smiled as she stepped between Alex and I.

"Hi" I sighed.

I seen Alex roll her eyes.

"I'll See ya later Calum" she said before leaving to walk into her classroom.

I wanted to say something, but Libby was literally so close to me she was like standing on my fuxking feet.

"Look I gotta get to class" I told her.

"How come you can't walk me to class?" She questioned.

I rose an eyebrow in confusion.

"You can walk Alex to class, but not me?" She added.

"Because Alex is my best friend" I lied.

Alex was more than that..

"And I'm not?" She asked angrily.

"Nope" I told her.

She crossed her arms across her chest and gave me a pouty look.

"Look I'm gonna go" I said before walking away.

I heard her mutter something under her breath and I rolled my eyes as I made my way to class.

All Libby wanted was attention and I certainly wasn't going to give it to her.

Alex was different and different was what I wanted.


Alex's pov

"So she just got in between you guys?!" Mel questioned angrily.

"Ya like I'm telling you I hate that girl" I told her, as I picked up some vinyls off the storage Cart and put them on their right shelf.

"She must've gotten jealous cuz she wanted Calum to kiss her" Mel stated rolling her eyes.

"On the bright side he almost kissed you for a second time" Mel added with a small grin.

"Maybe soon he'll actually get a chance to" I joked.

We heard the door chime go off and looked up to see Ashton.

"What are you two talking about?" He questioned.

"Nothing" Mel said trying to hide her grin.

We both laughed as Ashton stood there confused.

Short of a filler chapter, but aye. Hope you liked it:)

Much love xx

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