Chapter 7: Questions

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Alex's pov

Calum and I had continued texting for a little bit and I told him I had to go.

I'm not going to lie Calum seemed like a great guy just caught up in the wrong crowd, but I barely knew him so I wasn't going to trust him anytime soon.

Like why hasn't he had his friends over?

Why was he always quiet around them?

My mind was racing with so many questions.

My door bell rung interrupting my thoughts.

I groaned and got up to go answer it.

It was melody:)

"I got icecream" was the first thing she said as she held up the bag in her hand.

I shook my head and smiled.

"Just come in" I laughed.


I told Mel about Calum messaging me and explaining everything and she thought it was sweet, but also complete bullshet.

"I don't think he's who he says he is Alex" she exclaimed.

"Whys that?" I questioned.

"Because why on earth would he be hanging out with such terrible people?" She asked.

"I don't know.. Maybe he just doesn't want to start anything. I mean they are pretty evil" I explained.

"Ya maybe I don't know.. I just think somethings off" she told me.

"I get whatcha mean" I nodded in agreement.

I took another bit of my ice cream.

"But maybe I'm wrong" she added.

I shrugged.

"I guess we'll just have to see" I told her.

I went back to playing call of duty as she watched and then took her turn.

Basically the night consisted of us swearing at the game, stuffing our faces, talking about guys and bands, and well whatever else teen girls usually do at a sleepover.

It must've been 1:30 in the morning when we finally fell asleep.

It was honestly one of the best nights of my life.

Probably because it was my first sleepover ever and well I was sharing it with my first best friend, which made it even more special.

It was all I needed to make my shetty day better.

Short update, but hey. Hope you liked it!

Much love xx

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