Chapter 16: Just Sick

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Alex's pov

After getting about 2 hours of sleep I managed to get myself up and go to school.

As I entered the school I noticed Whitney was watching me along with the other betch, Tiffany.

I avoided eye contact as I made my way to first period and sat in my usual spot.

The thing was Michael and Calum had moved seats in that class so that they were closer to us.

If I talked to Calum I knew I was going to be in trouble.

Mel came up with a plan

"I'll just tell them you don't feel good and aren't in the mood to talk" she suggested.

I nodded and watched as Whitney sat down and glared at me as if she was trying to warn me again like the fuxking second time wasn't enough.

I guess trying to kill someone with your car because you're obsessed with some guy isn't enough to tell yourself that you're crazy.

Calum and Michael entered the classroom a few seconds later and sat in the seats in front of Mel and I.

I put my head down on my desk avoiding my urge to talk to him.

I felt Calum poke me.

"Alexxxx" I could hear him smiling as he said my name.

"She doesn't feel good.." Mel lied.

I nodded as I kept my head in my arms.

"Well take a nap I'll give you the answers to the work you missed later" he said softly as he touched my back.

God why was he so fuxking nice..


And throughout the day I had managed to use the 'not feeling so good' excuse pretty well.

Now I just had to find a way to avoid him until I could work up the nerve to tell him I couldn't talk to him anymore.

After school I drove home and went up to my bedroom as I strummed random chords on my guitar and tried to teach myself a new song.

Each time I played guitar I would always manage to give up.

That's what sucked about not having patience.

I sighed as I put my guitar back on it's stand and I flopped onto my bed and found myself thinking about Calum again.

I didn't know why but I had found myself thinking of him a lot lately..

My phone buzzed from beside me and I picked it up as I read the notification.

'Text from Calum:)'

I unlocked my phone and read it.

'Alex you feeling any better? I was wondering if you were up to hang for a bit:)'

I wanted to text him so badly, but I couldn't..

If I was going to avoid him this was the first step.

I hate how she has to avoid him:/ I fuxking hate Whitney like wtf man.

Much love xx

The Outcast // c.h.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon