Chapter 11: The Witch Breaks

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Alex's pov

The next day Mel and I went into lunch to find Calum flipping his shet on Whitney and Tiffany.

I stood there watching as everyone's heads turned to look at Calum.

"You're fuxking kidding me right?" He questioned her as he stood up.

She gave him a confused look.

"I'm seriously so fuxking sick of your shet Whitney! You're such a betch!" He went on.

She crossed her arms and looked at him.

"Excuse you?" She began.

Calum got even more pissed.

"Did I fuxking stutter? You have no fuxking right to make fun of other girls because you're just fuxking jealous that they don't need to cake their face to look pretty"

"Oh please Calum you act like you're innocent. Ever since she came along you've changed into this mr. nice guy. When just a month ago you were laughing with us at them and chilling with us with no problem. What changed?" She questioned him.

"Nothing changed. You just need to realize making fun of other girls isn't gonna make you a better person" he explained.

Whitney scuffed as Tiffany shook her head and laughed at Calum's comment.

Calum shook his head and made is way out of the lunchroom.

Before reaching the door he turned around and spoke again.

"Oh and by the way, whatever you thought we had going on never existed"

With that he left and Whitney got up from her seat and ran out of the lunchroom, Tiffany following her.

I looked at Mel and she gave me a look like oh shet what just happened.


Calum wasn't in sixth period and I was starting to worry about him.

Hopefully he didn't get in trouble because he didn't do anything wrong he only yelled at Whitney.

After school I decided I should probably go check on him.

So that's what I did.

I went to his house and knocked on the door.

A girl a few years older than me opened the door.

She must've been Calum's sister.

She smiled at me.

"Hey is Calum home?" I asked her.

"Ya he's upstairs" she told me letting me inside.

"Warning he's not too happy" she added.

I nodded and headed up the stairs.

And knocked, but he didn't answer so I let myself in.

He was sitting at his desk writings something.

"Calum" I said.

He didn't turn around.

"Calum you ok?" I asked.

What the Fuxk he still wasn't turning around.

"Are you mad at me?" I questioned him confused on why he was ignoring me.

Still nothing.

"Jesus Calum if you're going to be an asshole then I'll just leave" I told him getting mad.

"Whatever I'm leaving" I said angrily as I took a pillow off his bed and threw it at him and headed towards the door to leave.

"Alex? Wait where you going?" He asked turning around looking at me as I went to walk out his door.

"No Calum you can't just ignore me when I came here to see if you're ok!" I yelled.

"What? I didn't ignore you" he rose an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yes you fuxking did I came in here five minutes ago asking if you were ok and you just sat there with your back turned to me" I stated crossing my arms.

He started laughing.

"Why the Fuxk you laughing?" I asked him.

"Because I wasn't ignoring you I had my headphones in so I couldn't hear you" he explained as he began laughing more.

"Oh my god" my eyes widened as I shook my head in embarrassment.

We both started laughing.

"Wow I'm such an ass" I told him.

"Nah it's ok you're cute when you're mad" he smirked.

"Shut up" I playfully hit him.

He chuckled.

"So what were you writing?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"Oh nothing" he said getting quiet.

"Ok thennn" I stated.

"So I'm guessing you saw what happened at lunch huh?" He asked.

"Ya what'd the witch do now?" I questioned him as I went and sat on his bed.

"She was making fun of some girl for her outfit so I got pissed off. Especially cuz the girl was Michael's crush. So I flipped on her and well as you can tell we aren't friends anymore so it's all good" he shrugged.

"She made fun of Michael's crush?" I asked.

"Yup and she knew that he liked her too. God she's a bitch. You should've seen Michael he got up and left before she could say anymore." He explained.

"God I hate her thank god you and Michael finally told her off" I exclaimed.

"Not only did we flip, but Michael finally got the confidence to ask that girl on a date so now Whitney and Tiffany are gonna be pisseddd" he smiled widely at the thought of them being mad.

"Good for him" I smiled.

"Ya he's a good guy I'll have to introduce you too him" he insisted.

"Ya I'm up for it if you say he's a good guy I'm sure he is" I nodded.

Chapter 11 Ayeee:) to Calum called Alex cute wtf

Much love xx

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