Chapter 28: Collide

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Calum's pov

I sent Alex the text explaining everything.

I didn't know why I waited so long to tell her this.

I was just scared she'd see me as the guy I was before.. And I wasn't that guy anymore.

I was furious with myself for being that guy.

I absolutely hated the old me and now Alex knew who I use to be.

A few moments later I received a text from her.

'I just have one question.. Why me?'

I read it as I sighed to myself.

I honestly didn't know how to answer her.

Did she mean why did she stop me from being that guy?

'What do you mean?'

I asked.

'I mean you didn't even know me so why did you change when I came along?'

I thought about it.

I didn't know why I did.

I just saw her sitting at that table and as soon as I did I just felt something towards her.

I didn't know what it was.

But I couldn't tell her that...


'Come on Calum don't give me that bullshet..'

It was time I told her how I felt.

Alex's pov

I just didn't understand why he'd change when I came along.

I wasn't telling him too.

In fact I didn't even know him before he changed.

He wasn't answering my text and I was getting frustrated with him.

I just wanted a simple answer..

"Alexxxx!" I heard my dad call from downstairs.

I sighed and got up as I made my way down the stairs to have my eyes meet Calum's.

"Well I'm going to the store it was nice meeting you Calum" my dad said as he shook Calum's hand and closed the door leaving Calum and I alone.

"What do you want Calum?" I questioned him.

"Just listen" he said softly.


I stood there on the stairs looking down at him as he stood at the bottom of the stairs and I waited for him to continue.

"That first day I saw you sitting at that table in the lunchroom I couldn't take my eyes off you, Alex.. I remember just seeing you sitting there wearing a sleeping with sirens t shirt and you looked at me for a second and I felt my heart stop. I told myself to look away, but each time I did I kept getting pulled back in. I don't know what it was. Maybe it was those brown eyes of yours or that smile.. But all I know is that when I first saw you I got this feeling inside of me that I couldn't explain." He said as he looked down at his feet and then back up at me.

"Then the more I got to know you that feeling grew into something more.. I keep telling myself that it's nothing, but in reality it's not just nothing.. And I'm scared it's just me feeling this way" he explained as he looked up at me.

I felt my heart beat faster.

"I like you Alex.. I like you a lot and frankly it's been killing me these past couple of weeks trying to accept that we're just friends. I don't want to be just friends.." He sighed as he came closer to me, now I was standing a step up from him so we were at the same height.

I could feel his breath on my face, all I could do was shake my head.

I couldn't believe what he just said.

"It's not just you" I finally managed to say.

His eyes widened as he looked at me.

"I feel it too" I whispered as I looked back at him.

"You do?" He questioned.

I nodded.

"I didn't realize it until Libby came along.. I'm gonna be honest with you I was jealous of her. I thought you liked her" I explained looking down at my feet in embarrassment.

He shook his head and laughed.

"Someone was jealous?" He asked jokingly as he nudged me playfully.

"Shut up" I said trying not to laugh, as I blushed at his comment.

He put his pointer finger under my chin as he lifted my head up to look at him again.

"You don't ever have to be jealous of her or any other girl Alex" he whispered.

"You're the only girl I could ever possibly want" he told me.

My heart was pounding out of my chest at this point.

I looked at him in disbelief.

Next thing I knew his lips collided with mine and my stomach exploded with butterflies.

He wrapped his arms around my waist as he deepened the kiss and I ran my fingers through his hair.

God i had been waiting so long for him to do this.

I felt him smile as he kissed me, sending chills throughout my body.

I smiled back as I pulled away to catch my breath.

Our eyes met again and I never wanted this moment to end.

"I must say you're one hell of a kisser" he winked, making me burst out in laughter.

I playfully hit him and smiled widely at him.

"I'd be lying if I said you weren't so bad yourself" I teased.

He grabbed my hands as he intertwined our fingers and we stood there for a moment just smiling at one another.

"So what does this make us?" I questioned him.

"Whatever you want to be" he smiled brightly at me.

Ayee Alex and Calum finally confessed their feelings! It's about damn time;) hope you liked it! Sorry it took me so long to write I honestly didn't know if I wanted to make them happen yet

Much love xx

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