Girls play games, but boys always seem to win

Start from the beginning

"Sorry." He laughs and l shake my head joining him.

I have an extremely annoying problem with sleep, l don't know why though. It started yesterday and l'm a bit worried about it so l asked Ethan for his sleeping pills but obviously he doesn't like that idea.

"Hey bro!" Ethan smiles at Noah who just came in front of us.

Noah's mood goes from being chill to furious in two seconds as he sees Ethan's arm around my neck and he narrows his eyes at poor Ethan who immediately lets me go.

Noah fake smiles at me and l just look him in confusion.

When Noah and l approach our tent and l realize there is no one near us l suddenly sigh and spit the words out. "What was that about?"

"What was what about?" he groans looking in the distance like he is figuring if he is going to tell me something or not but then he just sighs and looks down.

I cup his cheek whispering "You know what l'm talking about." And then l enter the tent picking up my pajamas and exiting.

"I'll have a sleepover at Sophie's."

He nods disappointed and l can't lie, it hurts me seeing him like that.


"Hey, T!" Sophie screams when she realizes l just entered her and Zoe's tent. Zoe and Sophie had a small fight because of Dan but l think they worked it out.

"Hi, girls!" Excitement leaves my mouth and they both squeak.

"So what's the plan for tonight?" I ask and Sophie brings her head closer to mine whispering "We're gonna do the usuals " she lifts her hand showing her index finger "one: chit chat" Zoe and l nod as her middle finger joins the first one "two: watching a movie" I lift my eyebrows in confusion "On what? Mrs. Smith took all our phones." I say and she smirks "Yes. But she didn't ask for Macbook did she?" My eyes widen and my face lights up in realization.

"And three:" she starts lifting her thumb "making a mess" her eyes narrow in evil face expression.

"I like the last one." I say honestly and they burst out laughing.


After an hour of talking about fashion and boys we watched a film with some cheerleaders and bad boys, l don't remember the name, but it was fun.

We moved to the part three - making a mess.

"We're gonna show these weirdos how girls have fun."
Zoe smiles and the three of us high five each other.

"Plan A, scene one: get the rocks."

Sophie informs us and Zoe goes to the forest to find some big pieces of stone while S and l wait in the tent. When Zoe gets back with four huge rocks, lt's time to move on with the plan. "Good job, Zoe. Scene two: wake up the bitches." Sophie tells us with a wide smile on her gorgeous face.

"Woah. My favorite part." I whisper and we immediately stand up making our way to the place where Mrs. Smith always makes camp fire, because it's almost equally distanced from each tent.

"Ready?" I whisper almost soundlessly. I can see them nodding even if it's very dark because it's 2 am.

"Three. Two. One." Sophie whispers and we start screaming as loud as we can and in a few seconds the whole camp is awake running to the place where the tree of us are standing.

"It's - it's a bear!" Zoe cries and Sophie and l start running around and screaming, trying our best not to burst out laughing. "Scene three: steps" Zoe and Sophie start throwing heavy stones on a bunch of leaves so it sounds like some big animal's steps. I'm running trough the woods and hear footsteps behind me.

"Ahhhh. Shit, Tiffany. Slow down!" husky voice yell at me and l stop, turning at him completely breathless.

I put my hands on my shaking knees, breathing heavily, as he looks at me frightened.

"Are you out of your mind?! Come back to the damn camp you are not safe here!" He yells again saying every word crystal clear like he is talking to mentally disturbed child.

"Noah, l..." l start explaining the fact that girls and l made the whole bear thing up, but his shaky voice interrupts me "Tiffany. We Are. Going. Back. To The. Tent." He says breathlessly as we run holding hands.
When we approach the camp where others are sitting, l see we arrived just in time for the show. Sophie and Zoe are laughing so hard as they finally tell the truth to the scared screaming campers. Noah just stares at me disgusted.

"You really scared the hell out of me there, you know that?" I slowly nod taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry." I look him in the eyes gently and he just looks at the other side "Oh, and um..." he releases a deep breath "you can sleep in a tent." I feel sadness and anger in his beautiful voice. With these words he picks his shirt and shorts and goes to the woods probably to sleep on a ground. Why is he so angry?


Hey guys! If you liked this chapter please vote and comment. Love ya.

Btw lf you have some free time you can check out my other two teenage books.

•Other side of the street•
{about fashion and Paris}

•Don't mess with a little spy•
{about spy and love}

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