Remembering You

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(A/N: Play the sound clip at the side of this A/N while reading along)

Shawn's POV
Another day has passed. A day full of sadness, a day full of tears. And most heartbreakingly, a day without Y/N. I picked up a picture of me and her smiling at each other. A tear lands on it.


"Just please, forget it Shawn! I'll get you a new one!" You began to cry as Shawn steps closer to you, anger in his eyes.

Earlier, you were trying to nail a picture frame on the wall, but the hammer accidentally slipped off your hand and made a huge crack on Shawn's new guitar he just got yesterday.

"You think you can simply replace something this expensive!?" He shouts at you holding the broken guitar.

"Yes, I'll replace it tomorrow..."

"No Y/N! Replace it NOW!!" He yells into your face, literally inches away from you.

"I can't! The store's not open anymore..." You whimpered.

"Y/N! If you don't replace my guitar before midnight, we're over!" He says and stomps into the room.

You quickly went outside into the dark night to try and go to the store, but you know it's already too late because it's closed.

Feeling frustrated, you looked up your phone to see if there was any other branch that sells the same guitar. You sigh in relief as the store is open till 11:30PM, but it's more than 25 minutes away from where you are right now.

You looked at your watch and saw that it's only 9:30PM. By the time you return, you'll still have enough time to give it to Shawn before midnight.

Sighing that you have to drive all the way to the other store just to save you and Shawn's relationship, you hopped in your car and begin to drive into the night. To top it all off, your headlights weren't working, forcing you to drive slower and delaying precious time.

Shawn's POV
What's taking Y/N so long!? Does it take over an hour to buy one guitar!?

I decided to watch TV while waiting for her to come back, until something caught the attention of my eye.

"Disaster strikes as a car suddenly drove off an unfinished bridge currently being constructed and fell into the river over 300m below the top. Experts still don't know the cause of the accident, but it could be due to the dark, moonless night with not much lighting available to light up the road. Police were able to identify the dead body with her I.D. The name is Y/N Y/L/N..."

I shut off the TV and broke down on the floor in tears. I can't believe I made Y/N drive at night to get me a new guitar when we both know we could just do it tomorrow.

What kind of boyfriend am I!?

She's gone! I can't hug her, kiss her or say I love you to her anymore because she just left me!! She just left me like she didn't even care about me!

Y/N!! Why did you do this!? Can't you see I'm here crying my eyes out because you're gone!?

I thought things over and realized that it's all my fault. I made her drive off, and I'm the one to blame.

Y/N, I'm so sorry I made you drive off at night. I didn't know what I was thinking and I lost you. I lost you forever.


Now, I lay down here. Lonely in bed with nobody to cuddle with and nobody to talk to. I looked over to the broken guitar. Tears began to water my eyes as I went over to it and picked it up.

I played it and it still sounded perfect. Why did I make Y/N drive off to get me a new one? I'll never forgive myself for doing this.

Y/N, I miss you and I love you.

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