My Life, Love, Listlessness, and Everything Else

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I ship us
So did she
And her
And they
I met you
3 years ago too
We became fast friends,
Through the pushing
Of them
But our unique personalities bonded
Themselves quickly
And for a couple of years,
All went well
My Little Pony chats
(Not befitting for a normal boy, but normal you were not)
And superheroes and video games
Until sometimes at year
You said you liked a girl
My best friend
And I realized
I minded
I wanted you as my own
And I still do
But now it's different
It's so much easier to
Pretend to be happy
To force a smile or a laugh
Than to confess
That my heart hurts
Because I lost someone
That was never mine
And just because we don't talk anymore
Doesn't mean I don't think about you
I'm just distancing myself from you
Because I know I can't have you.

|So I wrote this poem a long time ago, obvi, and I wanted to let you all know that this is no longer true! The Boy here is a good friend now, and so it's all good...|

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