The work day finally ended and I had no way of releaving stress. This is the problem with monogomy. One if not both victims suffer. So as I drove to Kyle's in search of some way of directing my attention. I received a call from the lawyer.

Placing her on speaker she told me about the quick change of schedule. They agreed to settle and agreed to our terms, the ending result was that both of Melissa's parents got their licenses revoked, blacklisted, and Melissa and her family offered to pay for charges and damages. I agreed to go easy but it was well deserved.

John on the other hand wanted to hold a meeting with his lawyer and mine, but I declined in attending, so I practically placed my trust all in my overly qualified lawyer. I would most likely loose my manners and knock John out if I hadn't. This meant that we still had court but it would be rather short, civil, and anticlimactic.

And so I arrived at Kyle's home.

I usually do not knock, just walk, all I do now is walk.

Climbing the stairs, I noticed Kyle sitting outside on a chair, smoking a cigarrette. The fumes reached me, and I was concious of our distance.

"Nathan!" The man stood to greet me.

"Kyle," I nod.

"I just read an article about you online. Looks like your 'girlfriend' is catching wind."

I raised a brow and decided to sit beside him. He stank and it was not only the word girlfriend.

"What is it about?"

"They are saying things like she's 18 and something about her line of work in stripping. There is a picture of her shopping at a langerie store."

He handed me the laptop that was beside him, and pointed to the picture.

"These are all tabloids. Lies," I stated defensively.

"The picture looks real. It's weird but here's one of her at a club. She's talking to a man."

I did get frustrated with Madeline's antics but she was young, and should be allowed to do these things, but I wouldn't want people to capture her doing these acts, her reputation and mine will be torn apart by the media.

Something had to be done.

The picture did look real, so it had to be. Looking at the first picture I concluded that it was Madeline, and the store looked somewhat familiar. Then I remembered the day she came back home and I witnessed the contents of her bag.

Kyle puffed another cloud of smoke into the sky, "I thought she was the great virgin. The hidden gem of New York or cherry. I knew that she couldn't be that innocent."

"She is not essentially innocent, more or less, Madeline is a mistake waiting to happen."

"So you haven't slept with her yet. What a shame, with an a-"

"I have to go." Quickly I got up. I felt my knuckles whiten, why was I getting upset? I had Madeline on my side, but she wasn't mine yet. "I will talk to you later."

"Jeez, fine."

And I was now robotically leaving Kyle's house, with rage swelling in my stomach. Jealousy was seeping from my corpse as I thought more about John and Madeline.

"Fuck." I stopped and dialed Madeline. No answer. Earlier she called me, telling me to call her everyday, and even said the dreadful, yet weirdly satisfying words. I was conflicted, more than ever. Why would she practically beg me to promise her to call her everyday then, not answer? It was odd, but that was to be expected by an odd girl.

Falling For Bad (completed 🔥)Where stories live. Discover now