Double snake attack

Start from the beginning

"Wait! No. Shit, l love you, Tiffany." I turn around and realize his eyes are full of tears. He just wanted me to get mad at Noah because he was jealous! Jealous of what? God damn it.

"I don't wanna hear it!" I yell and run away as fast as l can and approach Sophie and Ethan sitting on the wooden chair which Zoe made yesterday.

"Hey. What did he want?" Zoe asks biting her lip but l don't see much of an excitement in her green eyes.

"Um..." maybe lt's not the right time to tell her "nothing. He just needed advice about some fashion issue." She smiles at me slightly confused "Oh okay." I smile back watching Ethan grab her hand gently.


We are getting ready for four hours of climbing a mountain and l decide it's best to clean my face by putting off my makeup. Noah enters the tent as l clean the last part of my cheek.

"Hey beautiful." I uncontrollably blush and smile at his words.

"Stop it." I say in a sweet voice.

"So are we sleeping in actual tent tonight?" He jokes but then realizes my serious face expression and groans.

"I'll decide later." He rolls eyes at my answer and puts a blue jumper matching his gorgeous eyes. I just can't stop looking at him, he takes my breath away every time we talk or find ourselves near each other.

His eyes meet mine and l moan instantly changing the direction of my sight.

He steps forward a few steps and soon he's standing two meters away from me, staring, literally staring at me.

"What?" I try to sound as rude as possible but my mouth refuse to make rough sounds so my words sound like l'm in a some kind of trans. How freaking great!

"What?" He repeats imitating the tone of my voice.

"Why are you staring at me?" I ask rolling my eyes.

"It's my hoodie, l can look at it as much as l want." I raise my eyebrows at that and he chuckles. "But l kinda like it on you. So you can keep it."

"Nah, l already have three suitcases full of clothes and that makes like a fifth part of what l actually have at home. So l think l can survive without your hoodie."

"Okay, Barbie doll. But then again, l can't help but wonder why did you ask for it in the first place." I open my mouth to complain, but before words leave my mouth Noah goes away and l realize l blushed. Again.

Well played Noah. Well played.

I don't know what scares me more - that he always finds new ways to embarrass me even if l didn't actually do anything wrong, or the fact that he succeeds every time.


"Let's have an unforgettable adventure! Clouds are waiting to be discovered by the most brave campers and l can't wait to find out wh-" Mrs. Smith's long speech is cut off with my eye-rolling yell "Cut the crap! As soon as we start climbing the bloody mountain, the sooner we will get back here and sleep." Campers burst out laughing and Noah chuckles soundlessly.

"Ms. Williams, we will talk later. Now kids, find your tent partner and lets go!" We do as she said and fifteen minutes later we are standing in a line two by two. Noah's hand finds a way to mine but l gently refuse holding hands, just to annoy him a little because he embarrassed me.
Mrs. Smith gives us a sign and we start walking trough the forest and watching all the cute birds on the trees and not so cute worms in the dirt under our feet. Fresh air fans my face making me moan and smile.

After fifteen minutes of walking and talking to Sophie about some new Prada collection, we finally approach the actual mountain leaving wet forest behind us.

"We are here campers! Now, before you -" Mrs. Smith is cut off again and l can't help but chuckle at the fact that she always gets cut, usually by me. But this time it wasn't me who cuts her words. It was -

"SN-" Monika tries to speak and everyone looks at her. "SNAKE!" Huge black creature slowly leaves the woods we just came from. I guess it would be natural reaction for me to run away and never come back again, but l stay still, hypnotized by little red triangles on snake's skin. Monika is about three inches away from the animal and her screams break my ears. When l look around l see Mrs. Smith moved all the campers a few meters away and Noah is standing next to me, gently shaking my arm. Heat travels my body to my head as l watch the snake taking its position on Monika's arm and she starts to cry screaming even louder.

"Shh. Monika. Monika! Be quiet and still. The snake can feel your fear." I learned it in school. As much as l hate this girl, l really want to help her. She listens to me and and stops screaming although tears are still running down her cheeks and l can see her shaking and breathing heavily. Other campers are screaming and making a lots of noise with their feet by jumping uncontrollably.

"Stop it, you morons!" I whisper-yell and they surprisingly stop making noise. I slowly approach Monika and l don't even know why, lt's like my body refuses to stay on the safe distance and chooses to help the only person except my parents who is making my life a living hell.

"What the fuck?" Noah yells as he realizes l am going in Monika's direction and grabs my hand. I pull my palm out of his and continue going slowly.

"Quiet, Noah."

I pick a long stick of the ground and concentrate on the snake, which is moving really quickly on Monika's slim weak body and she shakes even harder, her best not to scream.

I carefully 'offer' my stick to long black creature and it opens mouth revealing huge sharp teeth and Monika starts crying again.

"Shit." I'm not sure if the words actually came from my mouth or l just heard my own thoughts.

"Come on snake." I say quietly looking the animal in the eyes "grab the stick." I command like it can understand my words. I feel Noah's hand twisted on my hips but my attention is on snake.

The snake immediately moves it's head and grabs a stick before l can even realize it. I lift the stick with rolled snake on it and throw it in the woods as far as l can. Then l give a playful glare to Monika "Try not to meet another snake M. I'm not sure l can handle that much." I say mockingly letting her fuckboy of a boyfriend Mike to pick her from the ground.

She answers with a long stare and then turns around to other campers and useless Mrs. Smith.

His hands are still on my hips and he pulls me back on his chest whispering in my ear "I didn't know you had that in you, Barbie doll." He smiles thankfully looking at my eyes.

"Yeah. Me neither." I nod and we join other campers who suddenly start to clap their hands and congratulate me.

"Okay, okay guys, l didn't do anything." I try to convince them to stop but they continue anyway.

"Yes, you did! You are our hero!" some random nerd girl shouts at me. I grab Noah's hand and start climbing a mountain.

"Are you coming losers?" I yell and they laugh. Oh God.


The story reached 200 viewers IN FIVE DAYS. I'm so happy, thank you guys so much!

Btw lf you have some free time you can check out my other two teenage books.

•Other side of the street•
{about fashion and Paris}

•Don't mess with a little spy•
{about spy and love}

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