Chapter 1 - Wet Dreams & Lil Bro's

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Even if I don't want to admit it, she's undeniably gorgeous blessed with the right amount of everything from her curvaceous body to her perfectly sculpted lips.

If I could only have her...

Wait, what? Am I losing my mind? What the hell was that all about? She can be how dazzling, but the feeling remains the same? The hatred doesn't change for anything or...

"STOP!!!" I shout to end the train of my thoughts. I can't be having questions now because everything is already set in stone. Isn't that the reason I did all the things I did to her for the past years, because she broke me. Because she wanted to see me breaking. Aren't I just repaying the debt? Aren't I...

"God, this is getting annoying." I growl, getting myself off the bed. I enter the en-suite bathroom to take a quick shower. I turn on the shower and step into it, letting the cold water remedy my status quo otherwise known as the throbbing boner I'm harboring. A soft smile grows on my lips, thinking about the little charmer also known as my nine year old brother—coming today— enjoying healing effect of the cascading cold water, washing away the undesirable images of certain individuals.

I'm taking him to the aquarium— having a bro's day out—to finish his environmental studies project on aquatic life. I haven't seen the little prick ever since he moved to my grandparents. Can't believe it has been two weeks already without seeing him. According to my grand-folks, I apparently need all the time I can get to concentrate on my final exams and with Xavier around it would be hard juggling my studies and taking care of him at the same time.

I love my little brother too much. I'll die where he dies. It has been the two of us since we lost our mom and it'll remain like that for eternity. He's my lifeline. My heart stops where his does. I might sound melodramatic but it's just the truth. That's why I didn't want him to move, because I couldn't conceive the notion of him not around. I don't trust no one with him. Not even my grandparents, but he convinced me otherwise and there was no way I could say no. The little bastard has a way with words. His intellect is beyond his nine years. Something that sometimes makes me wonder if he really is my small brother comparing our intellectual prowess. Don't mistake me, I'm no dimwit but Xavier sometimes makes me feel like one though.

I turn off the shower and step out of it. I drape a towel around my waist and take another one to dry my hair before I enter back into my room and change into clean clothing.

I get into ripped black skinny jeans and a white V-neck t-shirt and go downstairs.

The house has a dark interior with modern dark palettes and luxury interior designs. There is a nice casual L-shaped couch situated in the center with soft neutrals that define it and the sitting area, whereas the attached dining room takes a risk with stark industrial accents. The matte black walls feel powerful but don't drown out the more subtle brown tones used throughout.

The floor to ceiling glass doors that gives a sight of the outside accentuates the traverse of the interior.

The sound of the doorbell echoes through the house, as I take my last step descending down the stairs.

A frown grows on my face looking at the time. It's only few minutes past eight.


When I pull the door open, Xavier's megawatt canine smile is the first thing I see which also makes me smile. He runs towards me and wraps his small arms around my waist.

Victim of Circumstance | UNDER RIGOROUS EDITING Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt