Chapter 30- Party!

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Out of the shadows walked Miles holding Sia in his arms.

"God Miles, you scared me." I said holding my heart and breathing heavily.

"I felt you start to stress and came out to see you but I found Sia behind a plant." He said looking at her.

"It's ok you just-" I was cut off when he put Sia inside and walked over to me.

"I didn't mean to frighten you, I'm really sorry." He said wrapping his arms around me.

"Thanks." I muttered and I looked down but he grabbed my chin.

"And you really do look beautiful." He said and we leaned in closer to each other.

This has got to be the moment we finally kiss, I mean the other times we've always, always been interrupted by someone but I'm sure the others are in the car now so I'm sure we'll be fine this time.

"You guys ready t..." Sam said nervously looking at us and her face went red straight away.

Miles got pretty angry and I was a little too but it's ok, I can forgive her, just this once.

"Sorry, w-we'll just-" Sam stuttered but I interrupted her.

"It's ok, we'll meet you in the car." I chuckled a bit and she quickly ran off.

"Why do we always have to be interrupted?" Miles whined.

"I guess we're just not meant to be." I teased and giggled a bit.

"Hey!" He growled while picking me up and he swung me around; I was giggling and squealing.

"Put me down Miles!" I squealed and he did, "C'mon, let's go." I say grabbing his hand and we walked to the car.

We took our seats at the front while the other two sat in the back and Julia took her own car.

"You guys excited?" Sam said wiggling around in her seat.

"Yea, we've never been to a human party before." I reply a bit shakily, let's just say I'm not that great with huge crowds of people I don't really know. I guess never going to a school before and never going to any parties has affected everything.

I'm brought back to reality when Miles puts his hand on my shoulder, "You'll be ok because I'll protect you." He spoke with possession and happiness clear in his voice.

"Thanks." I muttered.

The car ride was full of excitement about tonight and how long we're planning on staying for. We drove down a street and we could tell it was the right one since we could hear loud music and saw lights at a house with lots of people at the front.

"I think we're here." I said looking out the window to the house.

"What makes you say that Blake?" Miles asked teasingly.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the loud music and the lights." I replied, rolling my eyes.

Miles parked the car on a big open area on the lawn and we all got out. There are a lot of shorts and skirts that aren't very long and not to mention the short dresses.

"Blake and I will probably go to the backyard and hangout there." Miles said looking down at me.

"Sure, we'll meet back here at ten." Ace said grabbing Sam's hand and led her to the house.

"Do you even want to do this?" Miles asked looking me in the eye.

"Not really but I'm not going to ruin the night for the other two." I replied looking away.

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