Chapter 13- A New Enemy

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Days went past and all we did was train to become awesome fighters, or that's what I think we're doing it for but I guess it's just to learn how to protect ourselves. Sam and I have been becoming really good friends lately and to my surprise I haven't seen Julia or Archer lately or they haven't spoken to me. Today Jet, Sam and I are training with our wolves, it's been a while since I've been in wolf form.

'Hey Artemis, think you can transform into wolf for me?' She laughed at me but transformed.

'I always can silly!' The others transformed and we were off through the obstacle course. I was able to keep up with Jet and stay next to him but Sam was way ahead of us, she was really fast. We were jumping and flipping through the air we made it to the end and I transformed into a human before Sam so I could see her colours. She was white with grey patches on her fur which was really pretty, Sam changed back into human and sat against a tree, she looks pretty tired. Jet was sitting on a log with an angry look covering his face and he was scanning the area with his dagger in his hand.

"What's the matter Jet?" I asked and sat next to him, something was definitely wrong.

"There's three wolfs nearby, I want you two to go back." He stood up and looked around.

"I'm not going back until I know that you'll be safe!" I got angry really quick because I didn't want to leave Jet alone.

"I'm staying too guys, I'm not leaving." I looked down at Sam, she gave me a reassuring smile.

"You guys are so stubborn." He returned to looking around the area. I was also looking around and I had my dagger in my hand just in case anything happened.

"Well, well, well look who's leaning against the tree." I looked over to where the voice was coming from. It was a guy that had short blonde hair and blue eyes like me. He was with two black wolves almost identical except the one on the right had no left eye otherwise they both have black eyes.

"D- Derrik! Why are you here?!" She stood up to speak.

"Because you ran away. I followed your sent and it led me here." He took a few steps closer towards Sam but I held my dagger at his throat and the wolves next to him growled at me.

"Don't even think about taking another step towards her, she told me what you did to her and I'm not letting you touch her ever again!" I continued to hold my dagger at his throat but Jet pulled me back only for the two wolves to take steps closer towards me.

"Calm down you two, and transform." They transformed into tall identical young guys with black hair and black eyes, the one on the right still had no left eye and they both gave me angry looks and I returned an angry look to each other.

"Don't touch either of them Derrik! Especially not Artemis." Jet was very protective when it came to me being in danger, I don't care if he wants to protect me all I want to do is protect both of them. No matter what.

"Oh, this is the Artemis I've heard so much about. Triston do me a favour and grab her." In one quick move the one without the left I grabbed me. I struggled to get free but his grip only tightened. Jet tried to get me out of Tristons grip but Triston only held his dagger to my throat.

"Sam.. Go get... Alpha." I had trouble getting words out as he continued to squeeze my stomach. Sam turned into her wolf and ran away to hopefully get help, I trust her so she'll come back. I hope.

'Blake... I don't have enough strength to-' She stopped talking and that made me very worried.

'Artemis?!' I got reply back.

"Let her go Derrik! She's been through enough!" Jet was so angry. Triston looked at Derrik and he nodded, Triston dropped me to the ground and I fell to my knees coughing. Jet ran over to me and he helped me to sit on a log.

"How can you treat someone like that!" He stood up and yelled at them.

"Will, think you can deal with him?" Derrik said and pointed at Jet. The other one nodded and gave an evil smile at Jet. Will walked up to Jet and punched him in the face causing him to fall to the ground and blood was running from his nose. I ran over to where Jet was sitting and he was holding his nose to slow down the bleeding. Ever since what Julia did to me I've carried bandages or tissues in my pockets and this is why I bring them. I gave Jet some to stop his nose from bleeding.

"You jerks! No one deserves to be treated like that!" I yelled at them, I was trying to stand but my legs weren't exactly wanting to do that. Derrik walked over to me and squatted right in front of me.

"People do deserve to be treated like that when they do the wrong thing." His brought his face closer to mine.

"So then you deserve this!" I kicked him back and he fell but the other two grabbed my arms and pulled me up, away from Jet who was trying to get up but Derrik was stoping him.

"I guess I did deserve that even though it didn't hurt that much. Anyway what should we do with you?" While he was thinking the other two tightened their grip while I was trying to escape and they had such tight grasps on my arms that it was slowly cutting off the circulation to my arms. I started feeling a little lightheaded so I looked down and closed my eyes.

"I know, maybe you can watch Jet suffer and if you want me to stop then you'll give Sam back." I was crying because I don't want to give Sam back and I don't want Jet to suffer.

"What about me? What if I let you take me instead?" I'm not going to let my friends get hurt because of me.

"Hmm, deal." The two holding my arms dropped me, as I landed on my feet it sent pain to soar through my leg's.

"Artemis! Don't even think about doing that!" I looked up at him with sad eyes, the bandage I gave him was soaked in his blood.

"I'm sorry." I got up and my knees were threatening to buckle but I managed to stay standing. All of a sudden two wolves came out of the bushes and transformed into humans. One was the Alpha and the other was a young man I've never seen before.

"Get out of here Derrik! This land isn't yours!" The Alpha yelled at the three in a very scary and stern voice.

"This isn't the last time you'll see us Artemis!" Derrik was angry but he and the other two turned into wolves and left the area. I crawled over to Jet who was now lying on the ground holding his nose.

"Well, my nose is broken but apart from that I'm fine, what about you Artemis?" There's the Jet I know, he doesn't care what happens to himself as long as the others around him are safe.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." I said not even caring about myself.

He was slowly sitting up and the other guy was helping him stand. I stood up and was still a little lightheaded so I nearly fell over.

"I'm Echo, the Beta. I'll make sure your little friend here gets to the house safely." I chuckled at what Echo said and Jet gave him a wimpy punch. He was helping Jet get back to the house by letting Jet lean on him. That meant I was now left with the Alpha.

"Thank you for taking care of my son, I appreciate the fact that you sent Sam to get me." With that, he left and I was alone yet again. I decided that it would be best to go back to the house after all I want onto make sure Jet is ok.

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