Chapter 1- Time To Run

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It's a full moon on a very cold and dark night, the worst night to run.

1 hour before...

"Mum, Dad! I'm starting the movie now!" I shouted from the living room. My name is Blake Evelyn. I'm tall for a 16 year old girl, my eyes are like the colour of ice and my hair is shoulder length and natural platinum blonde. Unusual, I know.

Today is my 16th birthday, the happiest day and the saddest day of my life. This day not only marked my birthday but also the death of my sister, Lily. She's only 5 years older than me. We were so close that a few days after the incident I didn't speak to anyone.

I always thought it was my fault. I went to explore the woods on my 10th birthday with Lily, it was foggy so we weren't able to see a lot but that didn't stop me from running out of Lily's sight. Yes, I was a troubled kid when I was younger. I called her name a few times to join backup with her but I never heard her call back. I found my way back home and I was crying so much. They never found her body.

"Coming!" Yelled my parents. We lived in a double story house next to the woods that surrounded our property. Our house is big and modern and we have a lot of land. We used to have sheep but they were always attacked by the wolves, so we decided not to have anything. We've never actually seen any wolves, we've just seen their claw marks on the dead sheep.

"You ready guys, this is a good movie," I put the disk in and started the movie. About half an hour through the movie the power went out. It was dark because we didn't live near any other houses, there were no street lights and the only light we got was the light from the full moon.

"Stay here you two, I'll get the power working again." My father got up to go outside and fix the power. The power box was kept outside and behind the house because we didn't have anywhere inside to put it and it looked ugly at the front. That meant if something happened we wouldn't know about it until we go look.

Luckily I had my phone with me and it had a torch on it. I was facing a window at the time and when I turned the torch on I saw a dark figure go past the window. Of course I got a fright but I also got a quick look at the figure but I couldn't see much as it was moving to quickly, but I knew it was a man.

"Mum? I think someone's out there." There was concern in my voice but also worry because my father was out there. The person who flashed passed the window did not look like him at all but the direction it came from was where he and the power box was.

"It was probably just dad, come sit back down sweety." My mother didn't have any worry in her voice at all, she never gets scared and she never listens to me either. Sometimes she cares about me and sometimes she doesn't, like now for example.

"It didn't look like dad though!" I was starting to get very annoyed as my mother didn't do anything, she just stayed seated. If I did see someone they would be close to the door by now or at the rate he was moving at he would be inside the house by now.

"Mum we've got to get out of here!" The room was filled with silence. I was too late. As I turned around, my mother was lying on the ground in her own blood. There was a massive cut down her back that only a knife would've created, but there was no one around. This killer is very quick and skilled to do something so quietly.

I'm smart enough to know not to stay and check if she's alive, I've seen to many horror movies where they die when they go to check if someone's alive. If I did that could've been the death of me and I also thought that no one would be able to survive an attack like that. So I bolted to my back door.

If my father was dead I would see him on the ground outside. Our power box is right next to the back door. My hands were shaking so much it made it difficult to open the door which costed me a few precious seconds of my life. As I was getting the door open I could hear the thump of the mans boot's behind me, I got the door open and like I said, my father was there on the ground with a cut  down his back as well. Whoever this person is, obviously likes cutting lines down people's backs.

That didn't make me stop running. I knew that as soon as I could make it to the woods I'd be safe from the murderer. Nobody entered the woods unless they wanted to die or go missing. No matter what, I didn't stop running until I got to the edges of the woods, where I entered.

I turned around and saw two red eyes chasing me. They didn't stop so I took a few steps backwards, deeper into the woods. Then, when the eyes of the murderer stopped moving I knew he wouldn't go further into the forest. He turned around and headed back to the house.

Panting, I fell backwards, exhausted from running all that way and I started crying. Now I wouldn't get to see my family ever again, at least they would all get to see each other. I know this is going to be the place where I'm going to die so I decided to explore the area a little, while I waited for the wolves to get me. There was nothing but trees surrounding the area and leaves covering the ground. The longer I stayed out the colder it got. But I wasn't going back to the house anytime soon.

It was also very hard to see as the trees were blocking the moon's light, I decided to sit against a tree and fall asleep until either the wolves got me or something else did. I couldn't get any sleep at all because of what just happened. It just kept replaying in my head over and over again. Why won't the wolves just get me already!

Stupid idea, I know, but I decided to stand up and shout, "C'MON WOLVES COME AND GET ME, THIS MEALS ON THE HOUSE!" Nothing happened. Even though I've been out here for a few hours I couldn't handle being alone. People were always around me and looked after me.

Then, I heard what sounded like leaves being crunched under a foot, or more like a paw coming from behind me.

I turned to face the noise and saw a grey wolf next to a pure black wolf that was looking at me straight into my eyes. It looked as if they were somehow communicating to one another because the black wolf nodded.

Then within a split second the grey wolf ran at me and I suddenly felt a burning feeling on my chest. I started feeling lightheaded and I felt my legs go weak. I fell to the ground with sweat now covering my head.

I could feel the blood trickling down my chest. I looked at what happened and saw that the grey wolf had bitten me, it was standing a few feet next to me with blood covering it's mouth. This is the end and I know it. Then I blacked out in the middle of the forest.


Hi guys!

I'm sorry that it might be a little slow at the start because I need to give you guys a little intro to the characters and other important stuff, but I assure you it gets better.

Thanks for reading!

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